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I blinked slowly, trying to make sense of my day. This entire week has been a blur-only one thought occupying my mind. The 'incident'. It runs over and over in my mind. His warm lips against mine. His arms wrapped around my waist. My hands holding onto his shoulders for dear life. And the incredible feeling from inside me that came from being so close to him. And worst of reaction. After the kiss had ended-I had come back to my senses. I asked Loki to leave my dorm immediately and went to bed hoping it had been a dream. But it was not.
Loki has not mentioned the 'incident' and neither have I. I wonder if it is because he realized how inappropriate our actions were, if he regrets it, or if I am a terrible kisser.
The last option haunts me...our kiss had been my first ever. It was as if I had lost a part of me that I could never get back...
I pushed the thought away. I was simply being childish and should move on.
I opened up the book that Loki had given me and stared blankly at the spells, then looked up at my window. I closed my book and walked out of my dorm. I needed to do something. Anything, as long as it was not sitting in my room.
I blindly opened my door and ran out-causing me to crash into one of the guards.
"My apologies my lady," he said nervously as he stood up and stretched his hand out to me, so that he may help me up.
"All is well," I said taking his hand
"I did not mean to hurt you." he said now that we were face to face
I smile warmly. He had chocolate wavy, short hair, and strange calm blue eyes.
"you did not hurt me. I have seen you before."
He nodded "I am your personal guard."
"My personal guard? I was not aware that I had one." I laughed slightly at myself
He chuckled "When you are needed I come for you. I stand outside of your dorm at night to protect you."
"I see. What is your name?" I asked slightly interested in this guard
He knelt "Asmund son of Asger, my lady."
"Rise Asmund son of Asger, there is no need to bow. How curious."
"What do you mean by that m'lady?"
"Your name. Do you know what it means?"
He nodded proudly "Divine protection."
"A very fit name for a guard." I beamed
Asmund smiled at this "Thank you m'lady."
"Well, I will be on my way now. It was lovely meeting you Asmund."
Asmund gave me a tight nod before heading off somewhere. Not knowing where to go, I decided to simply keep going until I would become tired. My feet lead me to the garden where I climbed a tree (at the moment it hadn't occurred to me that it was a very ladylike thing to do) and laid lazily on a large branch. It was a sunny afternoon and the sunlight illuminated the garden in the most beautiful of ways.
"Hello darling." came Loki's voice right next to me
He took me by surprise, causing me to slightly jump and momentarily lose balance.
I could hear him chuckling at my side. I huffed and sat on the branch instead of laying on it and turned to my left, where Loki was sitting on a higher branch.
"Hello, Loki."
He climbed down to my branch and positioned himself next to me, his arm around my shoulder.
"How is my favorite damsel doing?" he asked cheekily
"I was not aware I was your favorite" I answered, not daring to face him.
"Of course you are."
"And why is that, if I may ask."
"Yes you may ask," said Loki whilst fighting a need to laugh at his own lame joke.
"How funny," I answered, sarcastically.
"Oh come darling. What is the matter? Do you not enjoy my company?" he asked pulling me closer
My heart fluttered "Nothing is the matter."
"Lina, tell me." he commanded, his voice dead serious.
I finally turned to face him, his green eyes were closely analyzing me.
I took a deep breath-and beyond all reasonable thought I blurted out "Am I a bad kisser?"
Loki stared at me silently before cracking a smile "Is that why you are so upset Lina?"
"Yes..." I answered slowly knowing all too well how ridiculous I must seem to him
"If I knew it would upset you so, I would not have kissed you, my dear."
"No, it is not that I did not enjoy the kiss-"
"Ah, so you enjoyed our kiss?"
"Well yes but-"
"Then why worry of it?"
"Loki Odinson will you let me finish!" I yelled out in frustration
Loki closed his mouth and motioned for me to speak.
"I have lived here in the castle for a short amount of time, and yet I feel that this has always been my home. I have to be very close to you and both hold a very special place in my heart. Living here with the both of you has allowed me to experience feelings I have never felt before. The other night...when you kissed me...I pushed away not because I had not enjoyed it but rather because it was my first kiss. And I cannot help but to wonder if I am a terrible kisser...and I know to you this must be ridiculous and childish."
I try to look away, my cheeks are burning hot from the embarrassment.
For a moment we just sit there, side to side on the tree branch. Quietly staring off into the distance.
Loki's arm slowly wrapped itself around my shoulder, and I leaned against his chest.
He held me for a minute before mumbling in my ear "Lina you are truly perfect."
All thoughts and worries melted away, leaving only those words. Lina you are truly perfect.
'No, Loki. You are perfect.' I thought to myself.

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