Where is He?

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"Hello?! Loki let me out! Someone? Anyone!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs. I pressed myself against the thick doors, hoping someone had heard my cries for help. Where was Asmund? He was supposed to guard me at all times, but now, when I needed him, he has gone. I pounded on the door with my fists. Frustration and worry overwhelming my body. Loki had left our dorm, and had left me locked inside for my own 'safety'. I closed my eyes, covering my face with my hands in frustration. Suddenly I heard soft footsteps nearing my dorm. My heart raced with hope.

"Loki? Loki open the door!"
The heavy doors broke open, I burst out wrapping my arms around the person who had set me free.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am blessed!"
"Are you well?" asked Asmund
I pulled away and smiled.
"I am now."
"The king has called for you."
"The king?" I repeated nervously. Had Loki failed? Had he been successful?

As Asmund lead me to the throne room I caught sight of multiple guards running around seemingly nervous.
"What happened?"I asked shyly.
Asmund didn't answer, he simply stared ahead until we reached the golden doors of the throne room. I pushed the doors open, leaving Asmund behind.
Asmund POV
I stepped inside after Lina, closing the large doors. The tension in the room was suffocating, but Lina grew tall. She was scared, but she wasn't about to let anyone else know that. Her voice broke once or twice whilst discussing his fate and her shoulders sunk when they admitted there was no possible way of knowing of his well being. Thor seemed worried for Lina, but did not approach her. In the end she stood still, too shocked to move. Queen Frigga rushed to Lina's side and pulled her slowly back to the bedroom. I bit my lip angrily. How could Loki ever do such a thing? Abandoning his wife? Betraying his family? And here Lina was, worried beyond thought for him-and where was he? Bastard.

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