Wedding Night

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I closed my eyes, the heated discussion with Loki coming to mind.
"I am your bride, whether you wish it or not," I said standing from my seat. That was it! I was tired of our bickering, tired of his attitude, of his bold rudeness towards me!
"Well I don't wish it!" he exclaimed angrily throwing his arms in the air.
"Because I do?"I asked outraged
"Well, you do not seem too inclined in-"
"In what exactly? Marching up to the Odin Father and demanding he change his mind? You heard him! I am your bride and you my groom. There is no way of changing that."
Loki took a step closer to me "I am not going to marry you."
I rolled my eyes "Do whatever you want Loki, our destiny is set."
"Not if I can do anything about it and believe me, I will."
"Then do it already so that both of us may be free." I snapped.
I opened my eyes and smiled solemnly. It is too late.
All eyes were on us. Our vows had been said and the wedding finished. I followed Loki out, smiling and waving at all those who cheered. This was my job:to smile and pretend life was perfect. I felt numb, as if my soul was watching the whole thing from afar as my body moved, controlled by some other force. I was lost in a void of emptiness that had become my life. The congratulations flew past me like sharpened daggers against the wind. If only I could yell, scream and say 'no'. But as my mother told me before my wedding 'self pity leads you no where'. And she is right, of course. Some how between lost thoughts and mindless acts, the party has ended, and I found myself alone with Loki.
"I must admit you truly are breathe taking, especially in that dress," he said smoothly. He was sitting on our bed, this room had been chosen for the both of us to live in as a married couple.
My face heated up when the realization hit me. It was our wedding night. I nervously patted my dress, feeling more vulnerable than ever. My palms were sweating, my heart was beating hard against my chest. I knew what was expected from me, but this did not mean I was ready. Loki stood, slowly walking towards me. He is much taller than me, making him slightly intimidating. He leaned down and kissed me, wrapping his arms around me, and gently leading me to the bed.
"Loki, I must admit to you..I am scared." I told him quietly, vaguely remembering our first kiss.
"Do not be, my dear." he cupped my cheek and stared into my eyes as if to reassure me.
That lustful night, between kisses and sheets I could have sworn he had whispered to me,"I love you."

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