A Sweet Moment

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"Thor I am incredibly bored. Help me." I whined

Thor chuckled "And how may I do that?"
"I do not know, amuse me. Tell me a story."
"Very well then." And so he began to tell me one of his many battle-related stories. This was how I spent most of my days, with the prince that was not my husband. I often laughed at how ironic this was. Thor was a good friend to me and offered his company when Loki was nowhere to be seen, which seemed more frequent than not. The worst days were when Thor and Loki were both gone, then I was left completely alone. Sometimes Asmund would offer me company while Thor and Loki were gone. He has also become my friend, and I have learned to enjoy our time together-even if he has relatively poor manners. Other times I would spend my time alone, attempting to teach myself useful spells. When Thor finished I decided to have an actual conversation with my brother in law.
"Are you excited for the coronation?" I asked.
"I am, although I must admit I am slightly nervous."
I took his hand "There is nothing to worry of, Thor. You will make a great king."
"Thank you Lina. Do not tell Loki I said I am nervous, he will never stop teasing."
"I would never." I winked.

The doors burst open, and I did my best to ignore the sound. It was late, dinner had ended a while ago and I had found myself deeply immersed in a book Thor had lent me. Loki strode into our room, "Hello darling!"
"Hello." I answered absently, continuing to read.
I felt him climb into bed, and wrap himself around me. He seemed to be in an unusual good mood. How peculiar. I let myself rest against him, there was no need in fighting him. He was after all my husband.
"What are you reading?"
"Your father's battle notes."
"That bored are we?"
"Well I know how to fix that." I felt him grin against my neck before he began to plant butterfly kisses on my skin. I turned around slightly to face him. He continued his kisses as I took his hand. He winced and made a pained sound.
"Loki what is the matter?" I asked confusedly.
"Loki, please tell me." I pleaded softly.
He eyed me for a bit before extending his hand to me. As I took his hand I realized there was a small wound, most likely from a sword of sorts.
"It is nothing." he muttered, seeing my shocked and worried reaction.
"Have you cleaned it? Are you alright? Does it hurt? Of course it hurts! Oh my, Loki what happened?" I asked exasperated.
He rolled his eyes. "It is nothing to worry over." He leaned in for a kiss but I stood up. I ran to the bathroom, grabbing a bowl of warm water and a clean towel. I took his hand and softly cleaned his injury. I then grabbed my journal from my drawer and flipped through the thick pages. Finding the right page I mentally prepared myself. I took a deep breathe, kept my hand on his.
"Vulnera Sanentur." I whispered, my eyes closed hoping I had preformed the spell correctly. Loki slowly pulled his hand out of mine, analyzing it carefully. I grinned when I saw his hand completely healed.
"You...healed me." he said mesmerized.
I pulled him into a hug, my heart leaping with joy. I placed my lips on his and laughed.
"I did it! I did it! I did it!"
He raised his eyebrow. "Have you been practicing?"
I nodded proudly. "Yes, I have."
"I must admit, I am impressed."
He planted a kiss on my forehead. It was a sweet kiss, nothing like the lustful kisses he had given me earlier. I savored the moment, a sweet moment. The moment broke when a curious thought came to mind.
"Loki, how did you hurt your hand?"
Loki's eyes hardened. "Nothing out of the usual, a careless mistake."
"Do not dare lie to me."
Loki rolled his eyes."Of course not." he stated sarcastically.
I sighed deeply, staring him straight in the eyes. "Loki, how do I convince that I am on your side. I always have been."


"How could you!?"I yelled out, fury bubbling up inside me.
"I only wish for him to learn a lesson!"
"A lesson? A lesson! Loki this is past a lesson-it is insanity!" I threw my arms up in the air angrily.
"Yous swore." He answered simply. Acid dripping off his words.
I did swear. I made an unbreakable bond. I was a fool.
"You cannot do this."
"Yes I can, and I will. So do as you are told and fulfill your promise." he hissed.
I gawked at him. "You tricked me."
"You should have known better. After all I am the God of Mischief, remember?"

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