Knowledge is Power

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I walked silently with Thor trying to listen. He spoke of a battle-I believe, but I am not sure. My mind continues to jump to the meeting with Frigg. I will wed Thor or Loki. Frigg has asked me to keep this to myself, so that it may not affect the princes' point of view over me. I heard Thor's booming laughter and I decided it best if I laughed along.
He then said something about having to leave. I waved goodbye and continued to walk aimlessly.
"How did I know I would find you here."
I looked at my surrounding, I had not noticed I was in the gardens.
"Hello, Loki."
"Is there something wrong?"
"No, everything is well" I lied
"You do not need to lie to me."
"I assure you Loki, I am well. There are simply many...things occupying my mind."
"I see."
"I am afraid, it is getting late."
"May I escort you to your dorm?"
I smiled "Of course."
Silence encircled us as we walked down the long golden hall. There was nothing to speak of. I haven't the slightest idea what to do. Loki, could become my husband. Or Thor could. But why even speak or think of it? I will not choose. I have no voice.
"I hope, you feel better tomorrow," said Loki standing next to my door
"As do I Loki. Thank you."
"Anything for you, my dear."
My heart skipped a beat. My dear. What an odd thing to say.
I walked into my dorm, closing the door behind me.
"Ah, you are back. Your bath is ready. The queen wishes a quick word before dinner."
"Thank you Airiana." I sad halfheartedly
Airirana frowned "Is something wrong?"
"Everything is wrong, Airiana."
"Not everything, sweetheart."
"How can I ever love a man that was forced upon me?"
"You will learn."
I shook my head "It will be a loveless marriage."

"Please do not be angry at me child."
"I am not angry at you Frigg."
"Then why are you so distant? Even my sons have noticed!"
"I apologize, but I needed to clear my mind. Marriage is not something small in a life of a woman."
Frigg smiled "No it is not. My son will truly have a perfect bride."
"Do you know then? Has Odin decided?" I asked eagerly
"Oh heavens no!" she laughed "Lina, you have only stayed here one week. If you were to spend more time with the boys..."
I sighed slightly frustrated. "Why make me spend more time with them, my queen? Why make me suffer more? Simply marry me off to one of them already and be done with it!"

Loki's POV
Dinner had come and with it new opportunities. Thor and Lina conversed on one of our adventures. I spoke once in a while, allowing them to believe that I was paying attention. One simple thought filled my mind. Earlier today I had accidentally come by a peculiar conversation, between mother and Lina. Lina laughed lightly, before saying something excitedly. What a surprise dear little Lina turned out to be. My gaze shifted to my brother. Surely Lina would be wed to him, he always gets the best. I love my brother, but it is true. He has always received more than I-and surely he would wed Lina. She is the most beautiful maiden I have ever seen, fit for a king. If I am not to marry her, then I will have I smirked. Lina will fall for me, and my brother for her. She will be broken when she is forced to marry my brother. Oh yes, this will be fun. Knowledge truly is power, and this time...I have the upper hand.

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