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I looked up at Thor, raising my eyebrow suspiciously.
His wide smile only grew as he lead me away to the balcony.
"Thor what is your surprise?" I asked half halfheartedly. In all probability, it was something for the baby, like a toy or item of clothing.
"Maintain your eyes closed, sister." Thor boomed. I smiled slightly at the word 'sister' the term of affection Thor had recently begun to use.
AS we came to a halt I crossed my arms and asked Thor if I could finally open my eyes. When he said I could I slowly opened my eyes, not wanting to be blinded by the bright sun.
Before me stood a young woman, with a sweet smile and long brown hair. She was not Asgardian-even though she was dressed in Asgardian clothing.
"Hi.", she waved awkwardly. I turned to Thor and then back at the girl. Then it clicked.
"Jane Foster?" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah, that's me." she chuckled softly.
"How in all Valhalla did she get here?!"
"I am shocked that you did not know yet." he stated.
"I spent the night and morning with my husband. I was not aware of a mortal crossing into Asgard."
"Well I didn't exactly 'cross over' but you know."
"No, I do not know, I thought that was abundantly clear."
Thor placed his hand on my shoulder and began to explain everything. About the power Jane Foster had in her body, and how Thor had gone looking for her when Heimdall had reported that he could no longer see Jane Foster.
"How peculiar," I mumbled.

Thor had quickly left in search of his mother, with the promise of return. I sat uncomfortably in front of Jane Foster, in her room.
"Soooo, um congratulations on the baby."
I grinned, "Thank you."
"Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?"
"Not yet, I wish it to be a surprise."
"Do you have any children?"I asked
"Oh me? haha no not really. I mean-it's not like I don't like kids-I just uh..."
"Calm yourself Jane Foster, you are too nervous."
"Sorry. Its just a new world and you're Thor's sister and-"
"Oh I am not his sister, rather his sister in law."
"Thor and I are very close. I am more than aware that he likes you, Jane Foster."
Jane Foster blushed "I like him too, and you can call me Jane-you don't need to use my last name all the time."
"Very well, Jane."I said smiling, she seemed nice.
Jane patted her knees rhythmically,"So how many siblings does Thor have?"
I shrugged, "Although on Middle Earth it is believed that Odin fathered many children-most of those 'children of Odin' are in reality his soldiers and close friends. Odin had only two sons."
Jane shifted uncomfortably, "So, does that mean...are you Loki?"
"No offense but, why would you ever marry someone like Loki?"

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