It Is Time

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I jumped onto my bed with a wide grin on my lips. Tomorrow is the day. It has come. Tomorrow it will have been 3 months since I came to the castle and coincidentally 2 months since Loki and I shared our first kiss. Deep inside me, there is a gigantic fear that Odin will have me wed to Thor instead of Loki (for whom I have fallen), but I trust that The King will know where my heart lies.
Airiana walked into my dorm with a dress in her hands.
"Your mother sent you this dress. She wishes you to wear it tomorrow."
She handed me the dress and I slipped it on quickly.
"How do I look?" I asked making my way to the large mirror
"You look beautiful, dear child."
I bit my lip nervously and once again sat on the edge of my bed.
"What is that matter?" asked Airiana softly
I was unable to answer because there came a loud knock at the door.
"Come in," I called
Asmund stepped inside more dorm, "M'lady, Lord Odin and Queen Frigga request you attend to the throne room at once."
I nodded confusedly "Very well, then."
I followed Asmund out my dorm, and down the large hall to the throne room.
We walked in complete silence as I desperately tried to clear my mind.
"I hope I am not out of place when I say you look very lovely today."
I smiled at him "Of course not, thank you."
"What is the occasion, if I may ask?"
"In actuality, I was planning on wearing this tomorrow."
"And why tomorrow and not today?"
"Tomorrow I am to be betrothed."
"You are to be married? With whom?"
"I do not know yet, my Asmund."
"You are indeed brave M'lady."
"Why so?"
"Your future is a complete mystery, and yet you face it with a smile."
"Your future is a mystery as well." I pointed out
He stopped "Indeed. But I am not to be wed with a stranger."
"Oh, but he is not a stranger."
"I do not fully comprehend, but we have arrived and the King, and Queen await you on the other side of the door."
"Thank you, Asmund. I promise I will explain everything to you once tomorrow comes."
"Very well. Good fortune to you m'lady."
I pushed the door open and curtsied.
"My King, My Queen." I lifted my head and stood tall, glancing around the room.
"Ah Lina, how good it is to see you well before us." spoke Odin casually as if he had not sent for me.
"Thank you, my king, my queen."
"As you know today is a very important day." beamed Frigga
"Today?" I asked slightly confused
Frigga chuckled "I hope you have not forgotten today is the day for which you have been waiting all this time."
"My apologies, I thought it would be tomorrow," I answered nervously. This couldn't be happening today, could it? How could I mistake the days?
"All is well, my child." smiled the king kindly "I am sure you are eager to learn who your groom will be?"
"To be quite frank, I am my lord."
"Yes, well, in the beginning, it seemed a difficult task for both my sons showed a strong interest in you. But as the days passed one of them began to pay closer attention, and perhaps without realizing it has fallen deeply for you. Therefore the answer became clear, I would choose the son you would be best for."
I shifted uncomfortably. What could that mean?
"I do not understand, my lord."
"You will one day, dear child. But first, you must marry. I have decided that you will wed my youngest son, Loki Odinson."

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