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"No, you fool!" I gasped as the Captain jumped out of the flying machine.
"Sit down, sister." said the woman with the red hair, pointing her weapon at me.
"You do not understand. Thunder means Thor."
"The blonde guy that just took your boyfriend?" she asked
"The God who came to stop Loki. Thor has the ability to stop Loki before this goes any further."
The woman nodded "Either way there isn't much we can do other than wait."
I heard thunder roar louder than before.
"Humans." I moaned.

I crossed my legs and huffed. Thor gave me an apologetic look as the 'Avengers' sat around me.
"And why exactly is she here again?" asked the man named Stark.
I shifted in my seat feeling indecent. My dress was more suggestive than I am comfortable with, but Loki had insisted women in this world dressed this way.
"Lina has nothing to do with any of Loki's mischief. She is safer by my side." declared Thor.
"But she has been with him these last days, does she know anything that can help?" asked Dr. Banner
"You all are aware that I am right here and have the ability to hear you, correct?" I asked impatiently.
"Our apologies, ma'am." Captain Rogers sent me a strange look from his seat.
"Well, do you know anything?" asked Natasha
"No, I do not. Not even the location, this world is new to me.."
"Come on there has to be something he let slip." Stark pushed as his eyes began to wonder about.
I picked and pulled at my dress, feeling self-conscious under everyone's eyes.
"I am aware of how difficult it must be to believe me, but I swear I know nothing of his plans. "
"And we believe you, we just want to make sure," explained Banner kindly
"Are we even sure we can even trust...?"
"My name is Lina. I swear there is nothing I can tell you. My husband has kept me in the dark."
Although they seemed unconvinced they decided to stop questioning me.
"Are you alright?" asked Thor after things had quieted down and we had moved on to a different room where the Avengers worked hard to find where Loki had hidden the Tesseract.
"I feel dizzy," I answered sadly as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Here." the man named Stark offered me dried fruit.
I smiled at him and took some.
"Thank you."
"No prob."
He acted as if he was calm but I could tell I still made him uneasy.
"I will not hurt you, I swear."
"How did a lady like yourself end up with a lunatic like Loki? I mean-no offense," asked Dr. Banner as he looked up from his work.
"Yes, offense." Stark coughed under his breath
I shrugged. "Loki is a complicated man, as is our relationship. It was an arranged marriage. I have come to terms with it, even his darker side...although I do admit sometimes I wish he did not act so cruel."
"As do I." agreed with Thor sadly.
"I think we'd all be much happier if that was the case."
I smiled at them all, thanking the Gods for such nice company.

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