Dreams Part 2

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Cheers broke off from everyone in the room as I finally found my balance. I pulled away from Loki, he bowed and motioned for me to do so. I bowed and soon everyone was dancing too. We danced for hours and hours, only stopping to laugh and cheer.

I jumped into my bed smiling. That was the most fun I had ever experienced. Even mother seemed to have been in a good mood when we left the palace. I yawned as my mind drifted into sleep.

Music boomed throughout the room. I stood in the center only to find myself facing Thor.
He smiled at me and pulled me to his arms.
"How about a dance m'lady?"
He twirled me with one hand-and suddenly I was dancing with Loki.
"Hello, dear."
"Loki? But Thor-"
Loki swept me off my feet-and then turned to Thor.
He took my hands and began to dance.
He turned to Loki.
Then Thor.
To Loki .
Then Thor.
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.
Back to Loki.
He leaned in.
Once more Thor.
I could feel his warm breath on my skin.
And Loki.
He pulled me even closer to him.
Now Thor.
Our lips, nearly brushing.

I opened my eyes, gasping for air.
A dream.
All a dream.
"Oh good my dear, you have awoken."
"I take it you had another life changing dream?"
"Are you alright?"
I nodded, not trusting myself enough to talk.
"Well you better get up now. Your mother sent me to prepare you."
I sighed "What is it this time? Why wake this early? I have no class until later this evening"
"The queen is here."
"What?! Queen Frigg? What business would she have here?"
"I do not know child, but she is currently waiting with your mother."

I nervously ran my hand trough my loose hair as I approached Frigg and my mother.
"Your majesty" I said before curtsy
She smiled at me and motioned for me to take a seat "I suppose my appearance has taken you by surprise?"
"I cannot claim otherwise m'lady."
She gave my mother a knowing smile, which was returned, before continuing.
"It might have caught your attention, that you have spent quite a long time at the palace, with my sons." I did not answer so she carried on "Today I have come to explain this to you. Many years ago, when you and my sons were very young I knew that my boys would one day grow and marry. But I feared that my sons would wed someone unworthy of them, and then I met you. So beautiful, wise, kind, and of fine blood."
"Wed? Your highness are you telling me that I must wed one of the princes?"
She smiled "Indeed."
I turned to my mother, but her eyes were distant, her face filled with joy.
Endless feeling poured into me. I wanted to scream. To disagree. For this to be another dream. I am to wed a against my own wishes-and the worst part is that this part of my life was decided years before today.
Despite my desire to throw the table and cry I say "Who is the groom?"
"That has not been decided yet. My husband, will make the decision in 3 months time. Meanwhile, you are to move to the castle in order to acquaint yourself with Thor and Loki, and your future home."
I nod absently, and stare off into the distance until I am excused. I drop into my bed, allowing the tears to come.
Airiana comes into my dorm at some point at wraps her arms around me, asking for what reason I am crying.
My mother comes into my dorm smiling but frowns when she catches sight of me.
"Clean yourself up Lina, you are a mess" she hisses
"How could you?" I ask angrily
"You are acting as if this news were bad! You should be joyful!"
"Joyful of what? That my husband was chosen for me? As everything else in my life?"
She rolled her eyes "Stop with this nonsense. Airiana, pack her things. I want her ready in an hour, no less."
I watched as she left before muttering "There is one good thing coming out of my marriage Airiana,when I am princess, she will no longer have power over me."
Airiana frowned, leaving my side to pack for my 'new home'.
I wish I would have never met Thor or Loki. I wish I would have never befriended them. I wish I did not have to marry either of them. I close my eyes and a flash of my dream shocks me. At least I now know what my dream meant. One of them, will be my husband, whether I wish it or not.
I huff angrily "I have no word in this. Not even whom I marry out of the two."

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