My Friend

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"Oh Asmund that was such a nice walk, wasn't it?"
"Indeed Princess."
Lina grinned, as she brushed her hair aside with her fingers.
"I believe I have asked you to call me Lina. "
"Apologies M'lady it just seems to informal."
"I do not mind when it is a friend."
Asmund smiled crookedly, stepping closer towards me,
I smiled back, giggling at his odd behavior.
"Yes?" I asked feeling victories.
"I have something to admit." he turned away briefly as if worried someone were to overhear.
"Go on then." I nudged him playfully.
He took yet another step closer, staring down at me. He was nervous, even his eyes seemed to shake. Gently, he took my hand in both of his. I felt a pit rise in my throat, a feeling in my stomach I hadn't experienced since Loki's disappearance. We were close-too close...yet it felt warm-familiar and comfortable. My chest began to ache strongly, spreading to the rest of my body. I felt the air being pressed out of my lungs. Without air, the world began to swirl around me until everything was too much for me to handle. The world went black.

My eyes fluttered open, the light shining into my bedroom almost heavenly. There was a soft scent of roses around me.
"Finally you're awake."
I groaned as I shifted to sit up, my muscles felt sore.
"W-what happened?" I asked, facing the queen.
Her golden dress caught the light from the sun, giving the illusion that she was made of the light itself. She handed me a silver cup filled with a strange liquid.
"Drink it," she ordered.
Obediently I drank the cold, sour liquid.
"Thank you," I mumbled, handing her the empty cup back.
"What kind of deal did you and my son make?" she asked, her eyes glaring into mine.
"Excuse me?"
"What caused you so much pain was magic-Loki's magic."
"How did-"
"I taught him how to use his magic, I know it anywhere."
"He used a spell to bind us somehow, I swore to always be by his side and love him...there was more."
"Do you know what spell he used."
"No, I am afraid not."
"Darling, you must be more careful. The spell must have sensed something wrong, somehow you were not fulfilling your end."
My eyes widened with disbelief.
"This...the pain? It was Loki's magic...but why?"
"I can tell you need a moment alone. Rest child."

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