My Bane

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I shifted slightly in front of the mirror. This is not me. It cannot be me. My image seems so distant, so happy and carefree. That is not me. I have felt nothing other than indifference in the last couple of weeks. I have learned to accept my fate, and to mask my true emotions. I no longer cry at the thought of my wedding, I simply look off into the distance...feeling a vast emptiness. I am aware of Frigg's concern and ever so watch full eye. She does not want me to dampen her son's mood. So I smile, I laugh. I go through the day as I should. It is only when I am truly alone that I drop the facade, throwing myself tiredly onto my bed and look off into the distance, thinking of a world freer than mine.
I hear a small knock at my door.
"Come in." I call out.
Once more my image shifts, now my reflections wears a wide smile. An unrealistic, disgusting smile.
I turned to the guard.
"Prince Thor and Prince Loki request to meet you at the gardens."
"As soon as it becomes convenient for you."
"Very well. Thank you."
The guard bowed, leaving my dorm without another word.
I stepped into my shoes and took to the garden. Might as well go now, I have nothing else to do. Since I moved to the castle mother has not visited therefore I have not had my lectures. I am literary completely left with nothing to do other than spend time with Thor and Loki. I have a deep suspicion that this was planned.
I greeted Thor and Loki, giving them each a soft kiss on their cheeks and a quick hug.
I pretended to be excited as they told me they had planned a surprise for me.

I giggled softly as I swam towards them. Loki and Thor had brought me to a pond, deep and large enough for us to swim in. The freshwater clearing my mind. This is exactly what I needed. I inhaled deeply before diving back into the water, trying to explore and reach the bottom. I stretched my fingers to the muddy bottom, before swimming back to the surface, seeking air.
I smiled, covering myself with my hands as Loki splashed me laughing like a young boy.
"Watch out bellow!" called Thor as he jumped into the water
Loki moved over to cover me from the water, but some of the drops still hit me. Thor surfaced with his hair covering his entire face, causing the three of us to into a laughing fit.

I hugged myself tightly as Thor and I waited for Loki. Thor had accidentally dropped the towels, so Loki had run back for some clean towels.
"Once more I apologize," said Thor
I gave him a weak smile "There is nothing to apologize for Thor. It was a simple accident, everyone commits one now and then."
Loki came back with a couple of white towels in his arms, smirking at us contently. Thor took one of the towels before wrapping it around me. His warms hands briefly touched my shoulders, causing me to feel sparks where our skin met. I felt my face growing warm. Loki gave Thor another towel and gave us a strange look.
I slightly jumped as a guard called Thor over, I watched sadly as he kissed my hand and ran off.
Loki cleared his throat "It is becoming late. Shall I escort you to your dorm?"
"Yes..." I trailed off, the feeling Thor's hands on my bare skin was unknown to me.

"Thank you Loki, I had a wonderful time with you and Thor."
"It was our pleasure, I assure you."
"I am very fortunate to have such friends as you and Thor, Loki."
Something flashed in Loki's eyes "We are even more so, dear Lina."
He took my hand, pulling me closer. My heart raced slightly as he planted a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I..." I tried to clear my mind, yet a fuzzy warm filled my mind and enabling any intelligent thought.
"Goodnight, my dear Lina." he said a small smile playing his lips
"G-goodnight, Loki." I swallowed nervously
He bowed slightly before turning on his heel and taking off.
I slowly made my way to my bed, sitting down and staring off into the distance. I touched my cheek, where I could swear that the feeling of Loki's lips stilled burned on my skin. I shifted, remembering Thor's warm hands on my bare shoulders. Perhaps.....a maiden could become accustomed to a life like this one. Perhaps my marriage my not be my bane.

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