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The pain was blinding. I was sweating and shaking. Struggling to breathe. I was losing my sense of reality. The maids shuffled around trying helplessly trying to take control of the situation. The castle was under attack at the very moment my child had decided to come into our world. My senses were muddled. I could hear violence nearby. Explosions. Screaming. I felt myself tearing apart. I feared for Loki, Thor, myself, but above all I feared for my child. To be born at such a violent and dangerous time.

"Please no. Not now. I beg of my dearest stay where you are. This world is too dark for you. I cannot bear to lose you....please!" I cried as someone placed a wet rag on my forehead.

"Breathe, and push. You can not stop this. Your child is coming." said a firm and calm voice.

"No, please please..."

And with that my world was flooded with darkness.

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