Love Birds

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I could barely contain the joy as I joined the royal family and my parents for dinner. King Odin would inform Loki and Thor of the wondrous news at the end of dinner, and in 1 week's time, Loki and I will be wed. Husband and wife. For all eternity. I sighed happily.
"You seem to be in a good mood," stated Thor
I grinned at "I am indeed in a fairly good mood."
"Oh? And why is that?" asked Loki, raising his eyebrow.
I shrugged nonchalantly "No reason in particular."
"There are many good reason's for which to be joyful today." beamed Frigga
With that, the dinner continued on as usual. As the servants picked up our empty plates and refilled our cups with white wine.
Odin cleared his throat and all became silent.
"Now my friends, family, I would like to make an announcement. Over the last years, I have had the pleasure of sharing a strong friendship with Agmund. He has fought along my side during many horrors and helped protect the honor of Asgard. I have decided to unite our families through a union much stronger than any other. Marriage."
Thor's jaw dropped slightly and I found both brothers staring intently at me. I shifted uncomfortably. I hoped they did not see me with different eyes.
"Rise my dear." Odin motioned for me, I stood and he continued "Lady Lina daughter of Agmund will be wed to my son Loki Odinson."
My mother, father, and Frigga all turned to congratulate us. Loki and Thor seemed shocked but after a few seconds Loki smiled and Thor patted him on the back. My eyes met with Loki's and he frowned. Why was he frowning? Was he not pleased with me? With Odin's decisions?

"What do you want?" He hissed.
I looked around making sure the room was empty.
"Did I do something wrong?" I asked timidly.
"It simply seems to me that you are unpleased with our marriage."
"Of course I am unpleased you foolish girl." He snapped
"I do not understand," I mumbled.
"I. Do. Not. Wish. To. Marry. You. Understand now? Or do you want me to spell it out for you?"
My eyes began to sting with tears.
"I thought you loved me."
"How could I ever love an ignorant child like you." He sneered.
At that moment my mother stepped into the room.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" She asked gleefully
"I am feeling quite tired, please excuse me. I will see tomorrow mother, Loki." And with that I turned on my heel and ran to my dorm, desperately fighting back the salty tears.

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