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I stared nervously at the man called Clint. His eyes like Loki's were a strange blue similar the Tessaract. I held on to the cold metal of the machine that sped us away. Loki sat beside me, calmly surveying the land around us. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to figure out what was happening. Loki had opened a portal with his staff. before we had left he told me to stay close and do as he told. We appeared in a strange building filled with strange people. From what one of the men said I gathered we were in Middle Earth. Loki took a glowing cube, which I now know to be the Tessaract. I do not know what the Tessaract is, but it appears to be of great importance. It was strange to me that Loki's eyes were blue, instead of Forrest green. He seemed different, cold, and hardened. Although I had not expected him to return to me as he once was. Loki had undergone a voyage unknown to all. He came out of the darkness a changed man, hopefully for the better.

"This is my first day in Middle Earth and I refuse to spend it in this retched hole," I argued
Loki sighed, covering his face with his hand. He was tired of my complaining, but I could not help myself. This was Middle Earth, I had always wondered of it and now I finally had a chance to see it with my own eyes.
"Tomorrow," he answered, his voice dripping with irritation.
"You promised me yesterday."
"Lina dearest, if you do not stop your irksome begging I will gut you myself." he threatened, pushing me against the wall menacingly.
I nodded sadly, things had not been changed for the better.
"I apologize," I mumbled
Loki sighed again, taking my hand tenderly in his he said "I plan for this world to be ours. You must act like a proper Queen. No more of this childish behavior. What I say is law. Do you understand."
"Of course, me king."
I pulled my hand away from his, making my way back to my small bedroom. The men outside were working on something, but I had no clue what it was. Loki explained little to nothing to me during my time here. As I sat down, staring at the cold concrete wall I thought of m marriage. The rises and the falls. The love-the hate. I remember how I had loved him so much before the wedding. Then when we were betrothed how we hated each other: the bickering, yelling, the glares. The numbness. Now here I was, by his side. Trapped in a gray box. Feeling alone. Helpless. Useless. Longing. But longing for what? If anything Loki was farther away from me now then when I was in Asgard and he was missing.

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