Forgiveness is Never Easy

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Lina sat quietly on the bed watching her husband entertain their son while pretending to read the book in her hand. Whenever Loki glanced back at her, her eyes shot back at the book. It would be fair to say that things were 'awkward' between them. Lina was still finding it rather difficult to forgive Loki. He had come forward with the truth only a few days ago. For so long she believed he was dead. A life without Loki was utterly painful, but at the very least it was a life without lies. This was the only relief she had found in those lonely nights. At the very least Leif will never hear one of his father's lies, she had told herself, crying silently into her pillow.

Lina POV:

Leif giggled happily at his father. They looked so much alike. He had his clever green eyes and dark black hair. While he played with the little boy Loki asked, "Why are you doing that?"

"Doing what?" I glared at him from behind the book.

"Pretending to read. I know you are not reading," he placed Leif on his lap and turned to face me.

I decisively shut the book and tilted my head. "I was reading," I said matter-of-factly.

Loki smirked, bouncing our little boy, "You most definitely were not."

"Yes, I was," I responded coldly.

"What were you reading then?"

I opened my mouth and shut it. I tried to think of a title but nothing came up. I stared at him in silence for a second, "Fine. I wasn't reading."

Loki laughed. I t was nice to hear him laugh.

"You are such a horrible liar, you know that?", he turned to our son, "Isn't mommy a bad liar?"

I fought back a smile and rolled my eyes, "Yeah well we can't all be masters of deception."

Loki looked at me, there was something in his eyes I did not recognize.

I crossed my arms, beginning to feel self-conscious under his gaze, "What?"

"I am sorry Lina."

I looked down, shaking my head, "For which part Loki? There has been so much."

He stood, shifting Leif to hold him with one arm. He stepped closer to me, placing his free hand gently on my cheek, "For all of it. I regret so much of what I have done."

I looked up into his intense eyes not knowing what to say. The tears began to roll down my face, blurring my view.


"I love you. I do, Loki. I simply do not know if I have the strength to forgive you any longer."

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