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Taeyong ran a hand through his bright red hair and turned a page in his novel.  He stretched out on the couch minding his own business until he heard screaming. He shoved the bookmark into his book and hurriedly got off the sofa.

"Give it to me! I want it!" He heard Haechan viciously hiss.

"No it's mine! Get your own you filthy rat!"

"I want it!"

"Stop stop stop!" Taeyong screamed before he even got to the kitchen. "Haechan, let go of Mark's slippers." Haechan obediently dropped the fluffy bunny shoes. "Mark don't call your best friend a filthy rat." Mark nodded, annoyed he was being scolded by the leader.

"Say sorry and hug."

"Sorry Hyung."

"Sorry kid."

The two boys hugged and Taeyong smiled. Another job well done. His sneakers squealed on the floor tiles as he left the room. He knew the two boys had a thing for each other and that's why they fought so often. The red haired boy plopped back onto the comfy sofa and opened his thriller.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Chenle screeched from upstairs. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Another even louder, higher pitched scream came from upstairs.

"Shut up!"

"I won't shut up if I don't want to. Screw you Kun, I'm not part of Wayv. I'll do whatever the hell I want, so EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Taeyong slid the bookmark back in and took a deep breath. Once again he put his book down and stood up. It's going to be okay.

He climbed the stairs, dragged his heels as he went. "Chenle shut it!" Kun screamed again.


Taeyong turned the doorknob to the gaming room where he found Kun sitting at a computer, wrapped in a blanket and Chenle standing on the table over him. 


"Yes Taeyong?...." the younger froze and climbed down from above Kun. He knew what he had done wrong.

"Thank you." Taeyong paused. "Please don't annoy Kun." The leader pushed a lock of red hair out of his eyes.

Chenle pouted. "Okay." He stomped out of the room like a child who didn't get candy when they demanded it.

"Kun, are you okay?" He put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Yes yes I'm fine. I just wanted to finish my drama without a dolphin yelling in my ear."

With that Taeyong closed the door lightly. He bolted down the stairs and threw himself onto the couch. He opened his book and then closed it. Can I finally read without interruptions? He waited for a moment of silence to pass and smiled. He could finish chapter eleven at last.


Taeyong grumbled and rolled off the couch he so wanted to relax on. Being the leader of twenty idiots was hard, especially when Ten was one of those idiots.


"STOP QUOTING VINE TEN! IT'S STUPID!" Jisung yelped in panic.

Taeyong tolled his eyes and briskly walked to the other front staircase. His mouth gaped open when he saw what the two were doing. Ten was holding Jisung down into a mattress, sitting on top of him. Ten wore a pot from the kitchen on his head while Jisung had a football helmet from who knows where.

"Bombs away!" Ten yelled and pushed off the banister. The mattress slid down the stairs and hurtled towards Taeyong. Jisung being the scaredy-cat he was cried while Ten hollered as they smashed into Taeyong who cracked his skull hard against the front door frame.

"Ow." Jisung and Taeyong both mumbled under the overturned, blood stained mattress. Jisung gasped in pain and grabbed his scraped knee. Taeyong quickly pushed the mattress off them, ignoring his throbbing head to help the maknae.

"Ten what the heck were you thinking?! You could have killed me, or Jisung, or yourself! Or all three of us!" The boys sat in the bathroom cleaning themselves up. Jisung perched on the side of the bathtub, Taeyong on the floor, and Ten sitting on the toilet seat. Taeyong held a wash cloth to Jisung's knee and bandaged it up.

Ten looked at his feet. "I wasn't thinking, sorry guys." He responded. "I just really wanted to go sledding...inside...on a staircase."

Jisung put his face in his hands. "But why with me? Why not Johnny? Or Dejun? Or literally ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE OF SM ENTERTAINMENT?"

Ten shrugged and bit his lip. "Because you were sitting on the floor saying you were bored."

The two argued until Taeyong couldn't take it anymore. "Enough! Just shut up. No one died!" Ten and Jisung looked stunned by the leader's outburst. Usually Taeyong was gentle and caring but he had just sounded cold and unforgiving.

 "Sorry." He immediately said sheepishly and left the bathroom without any further explanation to his scolding.

Taeyong went to his room and sat on the edge of his bed. He shed a few tears; he hadn't meant to be so sharp. He laid down and closed his eyes. Maybe I'll just rest. Forget my book.

He reminded himself he loved the members, no matter what. He was glad they weren't severely injured. 

But no one had asked him if he was okay.


Hey guys! Again! As you know this is @MYBLiNKArMY but on a different account. Due to problems with my old account email, I am no longer able to get into that account. I am not able to close it either. I am here to say: DO NOT REPORT ME FOR COPYING! 

This is MY story on two different accounts. I created this story, it belongs to ME. I am writing the story again and updating it like nothing happened but on this new account. DO NOT report my other account either. I am getting my previous chapters from their. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT wait on that account for updates. It will only be updated here.

Thank you for understanding and waiting patiently for updates while I fix this mess and rewrite the past 18 chapters! 


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