twenty nine

113 7 8

*Daytime Realm* 

Jaemin had finally come out of his room. The Dreamies were overjoyed to see him but they didn't want to bombard him immediately with questions. They still knew Jeno's passing had been a sensitive topic. For all of them really. 

"I'll talk to him." Renjun decided. "I feel I'm closest to him among us."

Chenle nodded, Jisung bit his lip worried, and Haechan gave him a thumbs up. "Sounds good Renjunnie." 

"Okay then, off I go." Renjun left his room and headed downstairs to say hello to Jaemin. 

Jaemin was in the kitchen with a cup of ice cubes in it. He sat in a barstool at the counter, head down on the cool countertop, sleeping. Renjun noticed the boy looked small and broken sitting there. He generally was a skinny boy but now he looked even skinnier and Renjun swore he could see his ribs peeking through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. 

"Hey Jaemin." Renjun gently shook Jaemin awake who startled up in surprise.

"Gah!" Jaemin exclaimed. Renjun felt his heart drop. Jaemin had dark circles under his eyes like he'd never seen before. His whites of his eyes were tinted with red signifying he'd had trouble sleeping and was going insane due to sleep lose. "I'm awake!" Jaemin jolted up and rubbed his eyes. 

"Do you want something to eat?" Renjun asked stupidly not knowing what else to say. Jaemin clearly hadn't been taking care of himself for quite some time after Jeno passed. Renjun was just at a lose for words. He loved Jaemin and only wanted the best for him. 

"No I'm not hungry. But thanks for the offer." Jaemin lied through his teeth. "I think I'm going to go shower or something along those lines." Jaemin shakily stood up, but fell down to his knees.

"JAEMIN!" Renjun screamed and dropped to his level. "Oh my god Jaemin, you are so weak. Please eat something, drink water. You obviously need help."

"I don't need your help." Jaemin snapped at him, fire burning in his sleepy eyes. "I don't need your help Renjun." He made sure to put stress on the last word. 

Renjun felt his heart shatter. Why wouldn't he need his help? What happened? Was he mad at everyone or just him? Jaemin wriggled himself out of Renjun's hold and took unsteady steps out of the kitchen, not walking straight and holding onto walls as he went. 

Renjun's phone dinged. He grasped his own hand not wanting to see the message. There could only be one reason why Jaemin had acted that way towards him. He had to know. 

Unknown: A pity Jaemin found out about your little crush. I wonder who told him....;) 

Renjun screamed in fury and threw his phone across the kitchen floor. "I'm sick of this!" He yelled. "Whoever this is....I will kill them!" 

Renjun slouched down onto the floor and leaned against the kitchen island. He took off his round glasses and wiped away his tears. It seems like love really does make everyone cry. 


Ten went over his story several times before actually going to the others. 

"Taeyong is trapped with another version of me. I am holding him captive. I visited there in my dreams, which are more like premonitions or prophecies. Taeyong is alive and I can find him. No that sounds stupid!" Ten complained. No one would believe him, would they? 

Another voice in Ten's head pushed that the members would believe him. How could they not? Ten never lied and this was a serious topic not to be joked about. He had to come clean. 

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