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*Nightmare Realm*

*Taeyong Perspective*

"I want you to meet my friends. Johnny and Doyoung. They're really great. I think they can help you out with this, to get you out of here." 

Mark and I were walking to his apartment. It was pitch black outside but Mark didn't seem to mind. I didn't have a clue what time it was but then I remembered that there was no time. It was always dark and always 0:00.

"So you're from another world?" Another dimension?" Mark asked out of the blue. 

I nodded, deciding I could trust him. "Yup! It's pretty much like here but it's not dark all the time and people don't have these," I gestured to my mouth. "And there's another version of everyone I've met here in the other world, my world! Like," I paused. "Like, there's another you. His name is also Mark and he's super friendly. You guys are actually pretty similar."

Mark's mouth opened in a tiny 'o.' "Ooh, another me? That's awesome! And also kind of weird too....but anyways. Is there another Johnny and Doyoung in this other world?" 

"Well, if they're the same ones I know then, yes." I answered smiling.

Mark gasped in awe but then grimaced. His voice dropped to a whisper, which was unusual for any Mark. "Is there another Ten?"

I froze.

How did he know about Ten?

I whipped around and grabbed his shirt collar. "How the fuck do you know about him?" 

Terror appeared in Mark's large eyes. He gulped in panic and I immediately let him go. "I'm so sorry!" I cried. "I don't know what came over me, I guess you just caught me off guard." 

Mark took a step back and I felt my heart plummet to the 0205th floor underground. I may have just lost my only chance of getting back to the real Ten. "Listen again Mark, whatever I did in the past, I really truly don't remember." He just raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry." I murmured weakly. 

He paced towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Everyone knows Ten." He said and kept walking. 

I peered over my shoulder towards where he was walking quizzically. Had he forgotten what we were talking about or did he really just forgive me? Whatever the case I was glad that we were finished speaking about my actions of the past. 

I hurried after him and opened my mouth to say something. He seemed to be listening but was looking at the rock he was kicking as we walked down a sketchy street.

"Yes there is another Ten." I clenched my jaw to spit out the last word. "But he's the exact opposite of the Ten you know. The other Ten is kind and honest and sympathetic..." I felt tears well in my eyes. "....and beautiful and talented and perfect and-"

Mark put a hand over my mouth, well, my scar. "I get the point." His eyes scrunched up when he laughed. It seems he did forgive me.

I blushed. "Well yeah, he is my everything. I....I love him...." I bit my bottom lip as soon as I finished my sentence. 

Because I realized I did love Ten. With all my heart. I needed to get back to him. I needed to see his face and tell him that I do love him. I want him by my side forever. 

Mark didn't seem to think anything of me confessing my love to another version of the Ten he knew. The Ten in this world. I love the real Ten. My Ten.

Finally after what seemed like forever we got to Mark's apartment. It was on the fifth floor of an old trashy building. I noticed that it looked like all the other buildings we had passed. Bland colored paint and old looking. I didn't like the feel of this place. I could only say I liked it more than the dark version of my own dorm. 

We climbed the stairs to get to his home, which was really more of a one room kitchen/bed/bathroom. I tried my absolute best not to touch anything. I'm a germaphobe. I hate, hate, HATE anything that may have the slightest bit of dust or dirt on it. I glued my arms to my side and avoided the grimy hand rail of the staircase.

When we got to the fifth floor Mark showed me to his place. Number 127. Section U. Floor V. Dreamie Apartment Complex. What a coincidence? 

Mark unlocked the front door. He invited me in to meet his friends but Johnny and Doyoung weren't there. I was a little disappointed about that but you could say I was in shock by the cleanliness of the apartment. Compared to the lobby of the building, this place was pretty nice. The furniture looked clean and there was no dust on the counter tops. Unlike the walls outside, there was no mold or bloodstains. I felt a world better just being inside here than out in the hallway that smelled of death.

Mark tossed his keys on the table and went to the fridge. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

I sat on one of the bar stools and bit he inside of my cheek. "Maybe just some water?" He nodded and grabbed two bottles. He took a seat on the stool next to me and turned to face me.

"Now," he started. "You want to get out of here as soon as possible? Why?"

I took a sip of my water and rested my head my hand. "Well, one I think I'm actually in a coma back home and I don't want to worry my friends and family. Two, I miss my Ten. Not this horrible Ten but the one from my home. He actually gave me this." Carefully, I pulled out the music box from my pocket and set it gently on the counter.

Mark cocked his head to the side and smiled in delight. "Is this a music box?"

"Not just any music box," I corrected him. "My Ten built it himself. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?"

Mark looked genuinely interested. He giggled and smiled his big smile. It wasn't the same as other Mark, for this version had a scar over his mouth, but it was still a smile. 

"Can I play it?" He asked, picking up the box.

"Sure!" I grinned, excited to hear the familiar tune I loved so much. Mark turned the little crank and set it back down. I closed my eyes, imaging the two tiny people dancing around and around as the song I loved so much played. Ten wrote this song when we were just trainees. He had showed me and played it on the piano, saying it was for me, though he couldn't speak Korean well. I had loved it. And I love it just as much now.

And so we listened to the song, forgetting what we were talking about. All I remember is that Mark kept replaying it. And at the counter is where I fell asleep for the first peaceful night in this dark place.


Hey all! MYBLiNKArMY author here! I'll make this short but I have three special announcements!

1. Chapter 18 is the last chapter I must rewrite. I will be closing my other account so that this is the only story on there.

2. The story will continue with new chapters as soon as the twentieth. Look forward to it!

3. Finally, stream all those comebacks coming out! Itzy, Dreamcatcher, Oneus, BTS, BLACKPINK, MCND, and Day6! Let's go multifandoms! <3


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