twenty seven

101 7 3

*Ten's Perspective*

I woke up in a weird place. It was dark and cold and I was on the stone floor. I tried to move but panicked. I was chained up. 

This is a dream. It must be! I concluded. The last dream I had that I remember I met Taeyong. And he had healed my arm from where I cut myself. We had even kissed.

This was not quite as euphoric as that dream. 

This dream was more a nightmare. 

"Ugh!" I groaned as I tried to get up but failed. Chains held down my legs so I could only move my torso. I flicked my long hair out of my eyes and lay my face upon the cool floor below my body. 

I lay for some time, knowing I would have to wake up at some point. Right?

"Taeyong~" a voice I knew very well whispered in my ear. 

"Mmh....Ten please stop....." he moaned in response.

My mind spun. Taeyong and Ten? But I'm Ten! There's no other Ten that I know of! Who's talking? Where is it coming from? I don't know anything! 

I covered my ears with my hands, trying to block out the sounds of kisses and Taeyong's moans. "Please make it stop!" I pleaded to no one in particular. 

"Hold on baby.....I lll be right back." The familiar voice hushed Taeyong. Finally it hit me.

That's my voice! 

"B-but I'm not even fucking talking!" I choked out. Though I wish I could be fucking Taeyong....Anyways who is this person?

Right as my thoughts ended, a bright light shone in the opposite corner of the dark cellar I was in. The light dimmed and I was sure someone had opened the door and come inside. 

The question was, who was in the room with me?

"Who are you?" I braved narrowing my eyes. 

The person laughed at me. I mean, I must look pathetic chained up on the ground trying to seem tough. I must seem like a stray cat locked in a cage. I will scratch you up, if I weren't restrained. 

"Who am I?" My voice asked me. 

"Yeah....why do you sound exactly like me?" I spat at him. 

He mocked me, except it must have been a recording of my voice. This man was.....

The sound of footsteps getting closer to me sounded in the echoey cellar. He crouched down next to me, grabbed my chin and lifted my head up.

"What the fuck?" My shaking hand touched my own face in shock.

"Who am I?" He grinned, an ugly scar binding his mouth together stretched out which would make me squirm in disgust if I wasn't so terrified. 

"You are me." I answered mechanically. 

And it was true. He was me. This man was Ten. A spitting image of me, plus a nasty scar over his lips. He had my eyes, my face, my body, my everything! How was this possible? My doppelgänger maybe? No, even doppelgängers look slightly different! 

He was so like me, minus the scar, I would mistake him for myself if I was someone else. 

He grinned, not like a friendly grin, a grin that sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps up my arms. 

"Oh Ten..." he massaged my face with his hand, I was still processing the information I didn't even slap him away. "I love Taeyong." 

"W-what-" my voice hitched on the single word. "Taeyong? My Taeyong? Give him back! You have him! You stole him! He's doesn't belong to you!"

"Woah there. Making so many assumptions isn't a good thing dear. And plus, he doesn't BELONG to you either. " He drawled on, playing with his earring which I also had in my ear. "You love Taeyong too?"

My eyes hardened and I nodded. I didn't know if I could trust him but I know what Taeyong sounds like and what I heard was definitely him. I mean, I assume those were his moans. A pity he's never moaned for me. Wait that came out wrong-

"I'll bring him here." Ten, well, not me said. 

"What?" I must have been hallucinating. I would see Taeyong again? Or was it just a dream?

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Stay here." He cackled. Like, where else would I go? You got me locked up down here.

I remained put, without choice. His, I guess, my footsteps echoed through the cellar and up the rickety, squeaky staircase. Thoughts ran through my brain at a million miles per hour. Was this real? There was no way this was real. But the last dream I had healed that was real! 

After a long three minutes the door creaked open again. I jolted up, but too quickly for I was yanked back down by my ankles which were still chained up. I grimaced as my chin slammed into the tiled floor, knowing the impact left a mark.

"Okay, Taeyong is here." My voice hummed sounded quite envious and dismissive of me. "Say your hellos and we'll be on our way."

"Ten? Are you there?" I heard Taeyong. Lee Taeyong. It was him.

"Taeyong!" I gasped in astonishment. It was him. "Taeyong come here!" 

"Oh no no no." My other self warned and grabbed Taeyong's arm. "You're not going over there. He's dangerous." I saw the excitement and relief disappear from Taeyong's eyes as my other self bullied him. 

"I'm not dangerous! If anything, I don't even know who you are but you're the dangerous one!" 

Taeyong stood between us, like a deer in the headlights. His eyes were wide and he kept glancing from me to him and back again.

"Well you've seen your love, let's go Taeyong." And with that he planted a kiss on Taeyong's soft, luscious lips.

"That's the last fucking straw!" I screamed in fury. I tried to run for him (to strangle him) but was pulled back by the chains.

The man with my face, my doppelgänger broke his kiss with my love and smirked at me. "Oh Ten, he's mine. Stay away before I hurt you more."

He put a hand over Taeyong's shoulders and led him out of the cellar while I cried and shouted in protest. 


*Daytime Realm*

I jolted awake. Immediately my hands flew to my chin. Sure enough it was all scraped up.

 I knew it. I knew it. 

I-I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. 

"Taeyong.....I-I have to tell the others....."

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