thirty two

109 7 6

*Nightmare Realm*

"Ten?" Taeyong's voice wavered. "That Ten? Who kept me hostage?"

"YES!" Mark stomped his foot. "Who else would I be talking about?"

Taeyong shook his head in denial. "No no no it can't be. Can it? Yuta's is too nice to be working for a cold hearted bastard like-"

Mark put a tiny hand over Taeyong's mouth. "He's sus and you know it. He's a fake and you know it. He's getting out of my house or I will not hesitate to.....................have Johnny beat him up for me. He's a lot bigger than me I can't take him myself but damn well will I make sure he never forgets us." 

Taeyong pursed his lips, causing his scar to stretch across his face and steadied himself. "Okay. Let's go." 

The two boys hurried out of the room to the kitchen where Yuta was backed into a corner, Johnny and Doyoung before him. Yuta's eyes were filled with hatred and anger. He held the knife steady in front of him.

"What the hell were you going to do for him?" Taeyong asked in a warning tone, coming close to the liar but not too close he would be stabbed. 

"I won't talk."

"Then I will have to get physical." Johnny shrugged sarcastically as he possibly could be. "Spill the beans you backstabbing bitch!"

"You forget I have a knife and I don't have to say anything to you." Yuta smirked and his scar stretched out. Taeyong was in utter shock at how this boy had went from the sweetest person he had met in the Nightmare Realm to a cold hearted enemy. 

"We can also call the police sweetheart." Doyoung made a heart with his hands. "You forget you murdered our friend and are threatening us with a god damn butter knife. Things don't look too good for you anime boy." 

Yuta scoffed at Doyoung's mocking words and spit on the ground. "You know you all make this pretty difficult for me..."

"Hmm," Mark almost laughed. "Out of witty remarks aren't you? I would start talking or just keep quiet until the police come and throw you in a cell next to Taeyong."

Taeyong felt his ears go red. He still couldn't believe his other half, or whoever the others always talked about was in prison. He remembered Mark saying he was locked up for trying to leave the Nightmare Realm. Was that a crime? Would Taeyong himself get in trouble for being the lookalike of what seemed to be a known criminal?

Yuta repositioned himself, looking highly uncomfortable. "Well I-" he cut off and turned the tips of his scar upwards. "Hey Taeyong?

Taeyong didn't answer but continued to stare at the boy on the floor with distrust.

"Didn't you suck Ten's dick?" 

Taeyong's eyes displayed obvious surprise from the question and all of his accomplices turned to him. He must have turned red as his hair. 

"Just ew..." Doyoung muttered.

"Excuse me? Who told you that?!" Taeyong burst at Yuta. "I have never ever sucked anyways dick before let alone someone I hate as much as him." 

"Okay then. Just wondering. Because..." Yuta tugged his shirt collar. "I've seen your hickies. He must have-"

"Just stop!" Taeyong waved his hands, flustered. "Yes Ten raped me and sexually abused me. Happy? Is that what you wanted everyone to hear?"

"He raped you?" Mark questioned quietly. "Taeyong I'm sorry I didn't really know why you hated him so much....I just assumed...."

"It's fine. Whatever it's over with." Taeyong rolled his eyes. "I don't really care. I've fucked around in bed before with a boy back home. Everything is good..." 

"So you have sucked dick?" Yuta tried again to cause trouble.

"Just shut up!" Taeyong, Johnny, Mark, and Doyoung shouted at the same time. 

"No one cares Yuta!" Doyoung went off at him. "We're practically all gay okay? So what if we've had sex time to time? I bet you're just jealous you've never had someone to play in bed with!" 

Taeyong bit his lip, worried Doyoung was going too far and antagonizing the man with a knife more than he should be. 

"Yeah well I-"

"Just spill already I have the number, ready just need to call the cops." Johnny continued the game of black mail.

"Fine! I'll tell you." To the others success Yuta finally broke. "Just please give me some space I feel like my claustrophobia is about to kick in. Jisoos Christ." 

Doyoung respectfully took a step back followed by Johnny and Taeyong and finally Mark how wore a pissed look on his face. Taeil was still dead. Yuta still betrayed them. There was no way for the Japanese boy to redeem himself. 

The boys gathered around in the living room and Yuta began to tell his story. "I'm working with Ten, yes. He asked me to kill Taeil because...."

"Because why you ugly ass mother fucking-" Taeyong covered Mark's mouth and lay him down next to him. Mark continued to swear into Taeyong's hand. 

"You see I-" Yuta's eyes flicked around the room. A gear in Taeyong's brain began to turn. 

"Johnny block the door!" 

But it was too late. Yuta had already bounced up off the couch and dashed towards the unlocked door. He had throw it open and bounded away through the hallway, disturbing all the other residents by hollering and laughing. 

Though the others ran after him it was all too late. All the answers, the question of why, everything had slipped through their fingers like mere grains of sand. Taeyong felt his heart cave in. He would finally have the answers as to why Ten had kidnapped him. But now he wouldn't. Because they had been too stupid to let Yuta sit near an unlocked door!

Taeyong cursed himself as they had run out to the front of the Dreamie Complex Building. He crouched down and put his head in his knees. Mark bent down as well and put a babylike hand on Taeyong's back, trying his best to comfort him. 

But it was no use. They had tried and failed. 

It was back to square one. 


Dear reader,

I'm sincerely apologizing for your eyeballs. I'm sorry that you chose to read the garbage I call a story. Lmao 😆 

Okay well that's basically all except the next chapter is the last one! I hope you've enjoyed Crying and it really means a lot that you have stuck with it (if you have) and all your comments are fun for me to read. Writing is worth it for me when I know others can enjoy it! 😊

If you've stuck with me, please read my upcoming books and I'll write the sequel soon!

I love you so much and bye bye ❤️


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