twenty two

127 8 8

*Daytime Realm*

The Dreamies were gathered in the practice room, going over the dance moves for their latest comeback. The dance was extremely complex but that wouldn't stop the boys from giving it their all. 

"And then this move?" Jaemin asked Donghyuck. 

Donghyuck repeated the move, showing the younger member exactly what to do.

While Renjun, Donghyuck, Jeno, and Jaemin continued repeating the moves they had trouble with, Chenle and Jisung lay passed out on the floor of exhaustion.

"This is way to much for my tiny body!" Chenle moaned, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Jisung rolled over and yelled at the floor. "Why the heckity heck did we have to have such a fast paced dance?"

Chenle slapped the maknae. "Language Jisung!"

Jisung clapped a hand over his mouth. "Don't tell eomma!"

"Don't worry," Renjun pulled Jisung up from the ground. "No one is telling Taeyong." He frowned at the mention of his member. "Now come on, we don't have all day for you two to laze around." 

Chenle groaned and stood up too and him and Jisung finally began to practice. 

About half way into the dance practice Jeno felt his head begin to ache. He continued dancing, concluding that his head hurting didn't matter. As time passed though, he felt worse and worse. Again he pushed away the thought and prepared for the dance break.

"Alright!" The choreographer clapped. "Everyone take a five minute break! Get back to me when the time is up!" 

The six boys went over to their bags and pulled out their water bottles. Slowly, Jeno wobbled over. The pain in his head just would not go away.

Being the Jeno-obsessed, but also loving member he was Jaemin noticed how his crush-I mean his friend, was acting. He couldn't help but stare at him, causing Jeno to look at him in confusion. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Jeno laughed, his eyes curling into his eye smile.

"Oh!" Jaemin exclaimed, embarrassed to be caught starting at him. "No, I just, I just, noticed you seemed off. Are you feeling okay?" Jaemin saved it. 

Jeno shrugged his broad shoulders and leaned against the practice room wall. "Eh, my head hurts a bit but that's all-"

"Do you need water?" Jaemin frantically began thinking of ways to make Jeno feel better. "Food? Do you want cuddles?" 

"Cuddles?" Jeno repeated under his breath. He shook his head and continued. 

"No Jaemin, I'm perfectly-" 

Jeno stopped. He felt like something had burst in his head. The pain spread through his entire body. 

"Jeno!" Jaemin screamed, alarming the other members and staff.

Everyone crowded around the boy as he shook in shock, pain traveling all around him, hurting him. And killing him.

"Ah!" Jeno let out an agonized shriek, let out a ragged breath, and fell still.

Empty silence filed the practice room. Jaemin stared at Jeno, petrified by the sight of blood running down the side of his face. How had this happened?

Jaemin felt tears well in his eyes. "Jeno...." he whispered. Renjun hugged him and pulled him away from Jeno's lifeless body.

"NO!" Jaemin screamed, fighting against Renjun who pulled him out of the dance room. He heard the shuffling of the staff panicking in the room and the siren of an ambulance. 

Renjun dragged a struggling Jaemin to the lobby of the SM Building, panting as he went. He felt tears sting his vision as well. 

Neither Jaemin nor Renjun nor anyone else knew what had happened. One minute Jeno was saying he had a headache the next he had died, blood pouring out of a wound that had just appeared out of thin air on the side of his face. 

The nurses bustled into the SM Building, worrying the staff in the office. The team raced up the several flights of stairs, with a cot and a bunch of medical equipment. Soon later they rushed back down with a lifeless Jeno on the cot.

"JENO!" Jaemin shrieked and tried to run over to his friend. Renjun used all his night to restrain the distressed boy.

"No." He gritted his teeth. "Jaemin stay here!" Renjun planted his feet into the ground and finally pulled Jaemin away. The rest of the Dreamies has run down to meet them.

The five boys stood together in silence. A nurse had come over the Donghyuck minutes before and told him what had happened. What had happened was, well, they didn't know what had happened. It was a complete mystery. All they knew was that Jeno's heart had stopped. If they used a defibrillator fast enough they may save him. But that was a big if.

The Dreamies were crying. Huddled in a big hug they sobbed for the loss of their member. Of their friend. Of their Lee Jeno. It was hard to believe that he was actually gone. First Taeyong and now this. Nothing seemed real anymore. 

The staff let them mourn. The boys never returned to the dorm; they stayed put that night. Nobody could move them. Donghyuck and Renjun stayed on the outside of the hug, enclosing the three others in. Jisung, Chenle, and Jaemin were on the inside, crying the most. 

After hours of nonstop tears falling from all their eyes, Renjun's phone beeped. Jisung and Chenle had fallen asleep and Donghyuck was comforting Jaemin so Renjun decided to check his message. He unlocked his phone and stared blankly at the screen. 

An unknown number had sent something. Probably a saesang, he concluded. But the message seemed eerie to be just a sasaeng.

Unknown: This is what happens when you steal my love. Give me him back. Now. 

Renjun stood frozen, rereading the message several times before putting his phone down. Who's love had he stolen? What did that even mean? How could he give back a person? That he didn't even know.

Renjun dismissed the message, most likely being a wrong number he assumed. But he assumed wrong. 


Only one thing to say today:

Don't kill me for killing of sweet baby Jeno! Please don't hurt me! I love Jeno so much and would doubtlessly kill myself a thousand times over to save him. So do not come at me for killing him off!


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