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"Taeyong, who are you ignoring me?"

Taeyong jumped off his bed. The digital clock on the nightstand was glitching on and off. 0:00, it read.

"What the fuck-"

"TAEYONG!" Someone grabbed his shirt collar and shook him violently. "Why are you ignoring me?!" 

Taeyong's eyes filled with fear. It was none other than Ten who was shaking him, his hands now closing around Taeyong's neck. 

"I'm....I'm not ignoring you-" he choked out, tears streaming down his reddening face. "Ten...Ten please stop..."

Ten tightened his grip. "I love you Lee Taeyong. And you show me no affection!"he pulled the red haired boy's face closer to him. Ten's breath smelled like blood and flowers. Taeyong tried to shrink away but Ten wouldn't let him. "I love you."

Before he could protest, Ten smashed his lips against Taeyong's. The taste of blood hit  Taeyong's lips as the younger kissed him, feeling his tongue in and out of the elder's mouth. Ten wrapped himself around Taeyong, touching him in places Taeyong did not want to be touched. He whimpered as Ten stopped kissing him and sucked his neck, leaving a sizable bruise. Finally Ten threw him to the ground.

Taeyong scuttled across the floor, away from the younger boy. "Why? Ten what is fucking wrong with you?!"

Ten let out an uncharacteristic low laugh. Taeyong squinted his eyes in the darkness, not able to see his friend's face completely. "I told you Taeyong; I love you. Why don't you love me the same?" Ten growled. He ripped his shirt off and threw it into the corner of the room. "Please love me back."

Taeyong shook his head, still gasping for air though Ten had released him minutes before. Taeyong knew something was wrong. This didn't feel real. This couldn't be Ten, could it?

"No, hmm, a pity." Ten came up to him and grabbed his hand. The red haired boy sucked in a breath, scared and motionless. He couldn't speak, couldn't move, his sight was failing him. He had become completely helpless once Ten's hands touched him. 

Ten stroked the boy's hair. "Are you ready to bond? To play Taeyong?" That's when he noticed it. Ten's smile was not just a smile. It was a large ugly scar across his mouth. A scratch the made his look like the Joker. Taeyong was horrified. When he spoke, the gash slowly opened up revealing his mouth. Taeyong squirmed again as his sight went completely.

He was left blind. All he could do was hope to move. He focused on moving one limb at a time but failed as soon as he started. All he could feel was Ten slowly stripping his shirt off and coming close to his chest. 

"Mmm, you smell nice Taeyong..." he giggled, taking off Taeyong's belt. Taeyong cried silently as Ten slid his pants off, his laughing echoing around the mostly empty room. He lay still as Ten touched and licked every part of him from his lips to his...(I'll let you imagine the rest ;) 

It felt like it was only them. Alone forever. Taeyong was sure his mind was playing tricks with him when he heard a bang at the door. And another. Ten looked up from sucking Taeyong's neck, annoyed.

Another band echoed through the silent room. Taeyong realized it was coming from the door! Someone was knocking!

Ten reluctantly sat up on Taeyong's chest and groaned. "Stay here my love." He used his pet name for Taeyong who rolled his unseeing eyes.

 Taeyong couldn't take it anymore. As this Ten walked away, he cursed him. He loved Ten but this was NOT Ten. It was someone else. Not his best friend. He didn't even know this person. There touch was unfamiliar, their laugh was too. Not to mention, Ten would never do anything to make Taeyong feel uncomfortable. Ever.

The knocking became louder as he headed for the door. He hadn't bothered to put a shirt on but had hurriedly pulled on a pair of sweats. He grabbed the door handle and smiled sinisterly. Standing in the doorway was Chenle.

"Taeyong! What did Ten do to you?" He heard Chenle's worries voice.

"Chenle?" Taeyong thought but it didn't matter. No one could hear him.

"Oh I did something, you wouldn't know. You're too shy go try it out on Jisung!" Ten barked out an unfamiliar laugh which caused Taeyong to grimace. "Now I didn't like the fact that you interrupted me and my love." 

"B-but...I just heard noises and I-I..."

"Please don't do it again."

Taeyong listened intently for the Dreamie's response but heard only silence.

Ten crouched over the young boy and hissed into his ear so quietly Taeyong couldn't hear him. "Stay on mute would you. I don't need you interrupting again. Next time you won't be so lucky as to be spared." Chenle's tears ran down his now mangled face. Ten had slashed across his mouth, making his look like a doll's like Ten and Taeyong's did.

Though Taeyong couldn't hear or see he knew what Ten had done to the Dreamie. What he had done to him. What he had done to his face and his neck and his chest and his.......

The only voice he heard again that night was his own, crying and praying for the nightmare to end.


Hello! Is everyone doing well? I hope you are! I will try and repost a chapter every other day just an fyi. Then I will be finishing this book quickly to start my new book.

Now before you come at me for sexualizing Ten, it's a story. It's not real. Ten would NEVER do anything to harm ANYONE. If you're going to bash someone for doing this, then bash me. He's innocent and if you're going to point fingers, point them at me. I know idols get hate sometimes for things fans do so leave him out of it thank you very much!

This chapter was in italics. What do you think that means? 👉🏻

Even if you have read my chapters before, please give them another vote so we can get to 1k quickly. On the other account, we are somewhere around 900. 

Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!


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