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*Nightmare Realm*

*Taeyong's Perspective*

I woke up next to him a third time. He looks so much like Ten but with that ugly scar twisting his mouth into a sneer.

I sat up and looked at my bloodstained hands. I went to look in the mirror, shocked by what I saw. I was covered in blood, the scar I got every night when I went here was too. I grimaced and wrinkled my nose.

Why am I dripping in blood? I don't even remember going to sleep last night! How could I be in my nightmares when I never went to sleep? It's not possible.

I dug throw my dresser drawers, the same as in the real world and pulled out a plain black t-shirt. I tugged it over my messy red hair and headed to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and stared at the boy in the mirror. 

He stared back at me, a confused expression on both of our faces. I groaned and looked away. The scar was disturbing on so many levels. 

I carefully crept downstairs, trying not to wake him and entered the kitchen. I grabbed a knife from the drawer and went to stand by the room door. This was one of the most terribly planned ideas I had ever had but I just may work...

I waited patiently until I heard him wake up.

"Taeyong! My love where are you?" He drawled in a sing-song voice. I could imagine the hideous scar splitting open to form the words. I disgusted me.

I steadied my hand with the knife in it when I heard the door knob turn. He opened the door and gasped in shock as I threw him against the wall and put the knife to his neck. I held him down so he couldn't escape. 

"Why am I here? I never went to sleep last night! Tell me why!" I screamed in his face and jerked the knife closer to his exposed neck. "Tell me or I'll kill you!"

Nightmare Ten just smiled and chuckled, his scar stretching further than before. He held his arms up. 

"Kill me?"

The knife shook in my hand. "I will kill you." I said more surely, adjusting my stance.

"Well then I guess I'll die."

I didn't hesitate. I acted right away. But before the kitchen knife could rip through his soft flesh he spoke once more;

"And Ten will too."

I stopped completely, hearing the one word. "Ten?"

He put a finger on the knife and lowered it. He came closer to me, touching my chest, and embracing me. 

"You see my love if you kill me then your precious Daylight Ten will drop dead of the same cause. You see it's like your reflection; whatever you do, he does too."

 I dropped it and backed away. "Why am I here?" I wailed, trying as hard as I could to block Ten from my thoughts. "I never went to sleep last night."

He came forwards again and took my hand. He pulled me to the couch in the living room and sat me down. He curled up next to me and put his head on my thigh. I shoved him away. "Save the fake love and just tell me." 

Nightmare Ten laughed his unusual laugh again and smirked at me. "Your members are so worried for you."

My face had fallen probably because he giggled and clapped his hands together. "You were hit by a car!"

"I'M DEAD?!" I began to panic and scream. "NO NO NO NO NO; this can't be Heaven. Unless I'm in Hell!" I shook him. "I'm not in Hell right?!"

Nightmare Ten grinned. "You're not dead Taeyong. You're asleep, well in a coma, if you call that sleeping. But this is great news!" I opened my mouth in protest but he covered it and kept talking. "Now you and I can spend forever together. It sounds more like a gift than a curse, if you ask me. You should be grateful to get a few minutes to not worry about anyone but yourself. Just spend time with me and relax. Forget your worries and responsibilities."

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