twenty one

137 9 4

*Nightmare Realm*

Taeyong was panicking. They were going along with Nightmare Mark's plan of tricking Nightmare Ten into telling them how to send Taeyong home. He was terrified by the mere thought of going back to see that Ten but on the other hand it was worth it to possibly get back home. As long as they executed the plan right.

"So we ready?" Mark asked when he cane back from the bathroom. 

Taeyong gulped, nodded, and took his head out of his hands. 

"We really ready?" Mark pushed, noticing Taeyong's worried behavior. 

"Yes Mark. I'm just a little intimidated by the idea of seeing this person again." 

He cocked his head in agreement and opened the door for Taeyong. The two boys quickly made their way out of the apartment building and onto the sketchy road. They began to walk the mile or so to Ten's house. 

As they walked, Taeyong felt less comfortable the nearer they got to their destination. He felt very unsettled and fidgety. He stretched his scar out and then dropped it, frowning again.

Mark had noticed Taeyong's strange behavior. He could tell his new friend was shook that he had to go along with this plan. But this didn't really matter to Mark. As long as Taeyong gets home safely. He thought, looking at his friend with affection.

They had trekked back into the alleyway where Taeyong had gone before he had gotten hit in the real world. Mark kept walking, not realizing Taeyong had stopped by the beginning of the narrow street. 

"Ah!" He turned back to face Taeyong. "Taeyong! We don't have all day!"

Taeyong attempted to steady his shaking body but failed miserably. He caught up with Nightmare Mark but realized it was obvious he was terrified.

The two said nothing else until they came up in front of Ten's house. Taeyong covered his eyes, not wanting to see the menace that was the nightmare Ten. But he had to if he wanted to escape.

He had to face his fears if he wanted to escape.


Ten knew they were coming. He knew Mark has forced Taeyong to stand up to him. He could feel it. But Ten wasn't stupid enough to let his love go so easily. He had a plan. 

When he heard a knock on the door he smiled sinisterly.

"Don't move an inch until I say so." He hissed menacingly to his prisoner.

Ten released the boy's shirt collar and shut the heavy metal door to the cellar. He crept upstairs, slipped his gun in his hoodie pocket and turned the door handle. 

"Mark! Taeyong!" He acted shocked, sweetness dripping from his voice. "What a lovely surprise!"

The other two boys glared at him. Mark spoke first. "We're here to ask you a favor."

Ten nodded his head. "Go on."

Taeyong breathed out a sigh and began. "I hate you, you know. But this is the only way I can be happy. I need you to return me to my world."

"And why exactly would I do that?" Ten drawled, taking a few steps back into his house, making the other two males follow him. 

"Because you love me right?" Taeyong jammed a finger at his chest. "Don't you want to do this for me? Your-your love?" He chocked on the last words. 

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