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"Wake up."

"No, I'm too tired." I mumbled and turned away from the nagging voice. 

"Please Ten! I need you to wake up for me!" The voice pleaded.

I rolled over and sighed. "Okay Taeyong." My eyes shot open. "TAEYONG!" I screamed as I saw his familiar face. It was really him. Lee Taeyong. His big smile, his bright fiery hair, his dark shining eyes.

"Taeyong!" I chocked out beginning to cry. I threw my arms around him and he embraced me back. "Taeyong~it's really you!"

"Yes it's me." He chuckled and caressed my back lovingly. "Who else would it be?"

I pulled back and stared into his glistening eyes. He was here. With me. And we were happy. 

I grabbed his hands in mine and stood up. We were on a hill covered in pale white flowers. I couldn't see the end of the flowers and I beamed. 

" I don't know who else. I'm just, I'm just...."

"Overjoyed?" He winked and pulled closer to me. "Your heart is beating very fast." He noted and put a hand on my chest.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and realized my heart was in fact beating very fast. I blushed a deep shade of red and crossed my legs. "I guess I really am overjoyed...."

We stood in silence for a few minutes, gazing into each other's eyes. I cried. He was so beautiful. I loved him. And I finally had him back.

Taeyong pushed a lock of my night black hair behind my ear and smirked. "You're so charming Ten."

"You too." I stuttered, not knowing what to say. I was so shocked that I actually had him back. This didn't seem real. 

Taeyong laughed his hearty laugh and tapped his foot on the flower covered ground. "Do you-" he sucked his cheeks in and stopped.

"What?" I asked, interested as to why he had cut off so suddenly. "Do I what?"

Taeyong looked at me, but not my eyes. He stared just below my eyes. "Taeyong? What-"

I was stopped by his lips slamming into mine in a passionate kiss. He grabbed a fistful of my dark hair and wrapped his free arm around me. I turned my head so that his tongue could fill my mouth in a deep style kiss. I hugged him closer to my body. Closer to my heart.

We were just two boys sharing a kiss of love in a field full of flowers. I felt amazing. I was on cloud nine. This was like a dream. A fantasy. 

When he finally pulled away, he glanced at me looking guilty. 

"I'm sorry but I just couldn't help myself. I love you Ten."

My heart exploded and so did my tears. "I love you too Lee Taeyong!" I sobbed and dropped down to a crouch. "I've always loved you."

He sat down with me and stroked my wounded arm. "Why did you do this to your wonderful body? Ten, this must have hurt you so."

I shook my head and covered my eyes so I could still see but my vision was impaired. "I don't know why. Maybe just because I missed you so much."

He sniffed and wriggled his nose. "I can't have you suffering on my behalf now can I? Now, let's fix this."

I shook still crying but he didn't seem to mind. I took my hands off my eyes and wiped my nose. He pulled my injured arm closer to him and snapped. He took his left hand and waved it slowly over my injury. Slowly it faded away. 

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