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Taeyong woke up.

Of course it was a dream! Taeyong tentatively felt his lips to make sure. Yup, no stitches. It was a dream. He breathed a sigh of relief and stretched his arms over his head. He glanced at the clock which read 9:47 am.

"Ah, I'm so silly! It's 9:47, not 0:00!" Taeyong chuckled as he talked to himself. "Wait, 9:47? 9:47...9:47! OH MY GOD I'M LATE!"

Taeyong didn't bother putting on matching socks. He quickly brushed his teeth, toothpaste flying everywhere and splashed water on his face. The bathroom was a mess when he left. He hurriedly changed his shirt and attempted to squeeze his feet in a pair of what seemed to be Donghyuck's shoes.

He rushed down the stairs and grabbed a hat from the coat rack. He burst through the front door and pulled out his phone. Taeyong clucked in Jaehyun's contact and held the phone to his ear as he neared the crosswalk. He noticed a few girls whispering and pointing at him so he sheepishly waved, assuming they were Nctzens. On girl scowled are him and the other fave him the middle finger.

"Uh!" Taeyong stuttered. What the hell? He thought. He scoffed again and crossed the street when all the cars came to a stop at the crosswalk. 

Phone still in hand, Taeyong put it to his ear again. No one answered. Taeyong sighed and slipped the phone into his pocket. No wonder Jaehyun wouldn't reply; they were practicing. 

Once he got across the busy street of Seoul, he looked around. He pulled a hand through his red hair and for the millionth time that day, sighed. He looked around to make sure no one was following him and unlocked the large front door of the SM building using his keycard.

The boy rushed up the red carpeted stairs to the third floor practice room. He turned left to find a security guard in front of the NCT dance studio. 

"You're late." The SM employee scowled at the idol.

Yeah, no shit. Taeyong couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I overslept." Quietly he added; "and no one woke me up."

The employee seemed to understand and knocked on the studio dood which was answered by Yuta. "Hi Taeyong hyung! Hey that sounds funny! Tae-yong-hyung." 

"Sorry I'm late Yuta, I-I overslept..."

"It's okay hyung. Everyone does that once and a while." Yuta smiled and cocked his head to the side. "We're practing for the twenty one member comeback and I'm so excited!" 

Taeyong tried to laugh it off with a little joke. "Well, what else would we be doing?"

Yuta grinned, looking like a cute lion. "True. Come on in!"

Taeyong nonchalantly followed Yuta into the extremely crowded practice room. He set his phone on the floor next to the members' bags and such, trying to come in inconspicuously.

 To Taeyong's dismay, Yuta announced his arrival, loudly.

"No fear, our leader is here!" The white haired boy shouted and did a cartwheel, well, attempted to do a cartwheel. 

"Taeyong!" Taeil stumbles over to him. "Please help, me!" He gasped, trying to catch his breath. "I, couldn't, handle, them, while, you, were, sleeping." He gestured to the Dreamies who were playing a game of human bowling; Jaemin rolling a curled up Jisung into the others. Don't ask me how this worked......

"Er, sorry Taeil..." Taeyong scratched his head, fingers catching against his injury. He winced in pain and cleared his throat, praying that Taeil hadn't noticed.

While the 21 idiots, as the choreographer liked to call them played games, their dance instructor Ms. Lu scoffed.

"Are you boys done now?" Ms. Lu snapped, making them turn to her attention. Ten bit his lip to hold in his laughter. Unfortunately for him he couldn't help it and let out a small giggle.  Ms. Lu was a wild card. With her bright blue hair and exaggerated makeup, she looked like someone out of Raul Paul's Drag Races. Nonetheless, she was an excellent dance teacher.

"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul!" The teacher turned to stare at the unruly vocalist. "I would prefer you shut up and listen to me!" She glared up at Ten who was a few heads taller than her. "Do you want to loose your dancer position?"

Ten eyes widened as he gulped in fear. "No ma'm. I mean yes ma'm! I mean, no I don't want to be fired from dancer! I will listen starting now."

The practice went on with many complaints from Lucas and the Dreamies.

"I don't want to do this!" whined Chenle.

"I'm so hungry!" Jaemin cried.

"This is boring! Jungwoo hold my hand!" Lucas threw a tantrum. 

Taeyong's headache increased as the younger members whimpered about their boredom level. Finally, after what seemed like hours, and definitely could been, it was time to learn his part. Ms. Lu lead him aside to learn the dance break. 

"Ten come here!" The choreographer clucked her tongue. Taeyong had a mini heart attack when she called his friend's name.

"Wait what?" The red head hissed through clenched teeth. "Ten? Really?"

Ms. Lu looked down her nose at the boy. She somehow managed to do this, being so much smaller than Taeyong. Still, she looked quite frightening. "Did I ask your opinion?! You will dance with Ten! It's SM orders! No, MY orders! So listen you-"

Thankfully she cut off her rage when Ten approached. Taeyong could see disdain in his friend's dark eyes. Taeyong looked at Donghyuck's shoes on his feet and took a deep breath. You're being petty again! He reminded himself that he needed to be nicer to Ten, especially when all he did was bruise his head.

Taeyong plastered a smile on his face and turned to Ten. Ten raised an eyebrow but ultimately bought the elder's act. He still felt kind of bad for hurting him.

"Okay boys..." Ms. Lu began to explain how she wanted them to do the dance break. Much to thier distaste, the dance was very questionable. "And then Ten, you'll position yourself here. Taeyong, I want you to grab Ten's crouch," Taeyong snuck a glance at Ten who seemed to be trying so hard not to laugh. "Okay?" Ms. Lu held up an 'okay' sign and nodded.

The boys were slightly disturbed that they had to perform a sexy dance while in a quarrel together but they were professionals. They would get over it. Taeyong sucked in a breath and let it out. Ten felt it on the back of his neck but he didn't mind. He just wanted to be forgiven. 

They practiced their dance, with Taeyong getting more pissed by the minute. When the practice was over, Taeyong immediately stalked away from the younger vocalist, holding his grudge. Ten looked at his shoes and midnight black hair fell over his eyes. 

"Can't you forgive me?" A tear fell from his face. He grabbed his bag and flicked off the lights in the studio. "Please?"


Sup! That was a pretty boring ass chapter but oh well!

Thanks so much for everyone who is supporting this book. I know that it's tough with the situation of loosing all my stuff on my account but it will be okay. 

I'll post the next NEW chapter, never seen before by the end of this month. Maybe in two weeks. Sorry the rewriting is taking so long.

Anyways thanks so much and please enjoy my story!


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