chittaphon leechaiyapornkul

250 13 1

"So Taeyong came back super late last night?" Ten asked Jeno at breakfast.

Jeno set down his napkin and made a sad puppy dog face. "You were eavesdropping on us Dreamies weren't you? You won't tell anyone, will you Ten?" 

Ten pushed his chair back to put his dirty plate in the sink. "Oh you can count on me Jeno. My lips are sealed like an envelope closed with saliva. Ten grimaced. "Ew. That was a terrible analogy, sorry."

The Dreamies' eyes widened. "Wait envelopes are closed with spit?!" Jisung gasped and Chenle slammed his fist on the table. "My life is a lie!" 

It was sunny and happy July first. People were out walking and laughing together. Kids played outside in their yards and the ice cream man stood at the end of the street greeting everyone that passed by. It was a beautiful day.

Ten went to his room and pulled a wrapped parcel out of the closet. He sat crisscrossed on the floor and finished taping his card to the present. Happy 25th birthday Taeyong!, It said on the front. Ten made sure to read it again before heading downstairs to give it to his best friend. 

Happy 25th Birthday Taeyong! I want you to know that you are my best friend in the whole world and I would trade anything to be with you. I love you and even though we fight often, we still get along and have fun together. This present for you is very special and it took me a very long time to finish making. I hope you like it as much as I think you will.


Ten grinned and went to find Taeyong. He looked all over the house but couldn't find him. Finally he noticed him out the window in the front yard. He was all alone which was strange considering it was his birthday. Hopefully the others hadn't forgotten.

Ten opened the door as quietly as he could and crept up behind his read haired friend. He got closer and closer so that he was near enough to peer over his shoulder. Taeyong was drawing in chalk on the ground. 

"Whatcha drawing?" Ten startled him.

"Ah! Oh my god Ten!" Taeyong fell backwards, using his friend's legs to support himself. "You made me mess up."

Ten giggled and sat next to him. "Oops! Sorry hyungie."

Taeyong rolled his eyes and continued drawing. Ten sat in awkward silence as his friend colored in a star on the pavement.

"So your mother yeeted your fetus ass out of her body this day twenty five years ago?" 

Taeyong snorted and turned towards him. "What the hell do you mean exactly Ten?"

"I mean it's your birthday?"

"Yeah." He looked glum. "Seems no one remembered. But it's fine I mean, we have twenty birthdays to remember. That's a lot." 

Ten frowned and pushed the tiny box towards Taeyong. "Look I know you're mad at me and stuff but I still got you a present. I just hope you like it. It's for your birthday and a "I've been a tad reckless, can you forgive me?" thing all in one. Okay I'll go now."

Ten stood up and walked inside. Taeyong blinked twice, wondering if he should have asked him to stay. He took the small box in his hands and turned it over a couple times. "You didn't need to leave Ten. I shouldn't be mad at you. You should be mad at me for being bitchy." He sighed and unwrapped the gift.

Inside the box was a key. A really small key with red ribbon tied to it so it could act like a necklace. He inserted the key to the box, which was the present and set it in front of him. As soon as it touched the ground, it opened up. Quiet music started playing from it and two tiny people danced around until it ended. Taeyong picked it up and stood.

"A music box. So cute." He put it back in the package and began to go inside. "Don't want this to get broken."

He quickly climbed the stairs and went to his room. He set the gift in his bedside drawer where all his prized possessions went and turned to leave. He stopped though when he heard people talking.

The Dreamies. He thought immediately. Their room was right next to his and Jaehyun's. Though he wasn't the type to eavesdrop, Taeyong put his ear to the thin wall and listened closely. 

"We have to tell him." Chenle exclaimed worriedly.

"I don't think we do....." Taeyong heard Jisung murmur. "I mean, it's hyung's business. Maybe manager said it was okay to be out so late?"

Taeyong pushed his face to the wall harder in attempt to hear more. He was 95 percent sure that the Dreamies meant him as 'hyung'. Gosh, did they see me come in last night?!

The Dreamies mumbled something else, inaudible to Taeyong. He heard their door creak open and launched himself into his bed. He speedily picked up his phone and pretended he hadn't been listening to their entire conversation. Just as he suspected, Jeno came in and sat on the foot of his bed.

"Hi Jeno!" Taeyong set his phone down and smiled.

Jeno waved slowly and looked at his feet. He looked guilty. "Taeyong?..."


"Where were you last night? I saw you come home late last night and wanted to make sure you were okay...." Jeno twiddled his thumbs and avoided Taeyong's gaze.

Taeyong let out a long breath and sat up all the way. He gave the Dreamie a big hug and whispered the truth in his ear. "I was having some hard times so I went to see someone who could help me. That's all! Don't worry about me Jeno."

"Oh!" Jeno's mouth formed a cute little 'o.' "I didn't think of that, sorry." 

Taeyong smiled genuinely and laughed. "It's okay. I mean I wasn't doing anything I wasn't supposed to. I was just talking to someone." 

"In that case, you can always talk to me hyung!" Jeno walked you the doorway. "Bye bye! Oh and also happy birthday!" The Dreamie waved and shut the door.

"Oh Jeno," Taeyong laid back down. "If only I could tell you the whole truth." 


Howdy! (My name's Jae...) 

I hope you liked that chapter. I wanted to make it cute so I tried my best. I don't think I did very well though...

So on my other account we just reached 1k on Crying. Can we try to do that here? 

Anyways thanks so much for reading! 😁 You guys are my world 💖 Have a wonderful day!


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