Chapter 65: 100 Versus 1 | Day Three

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a/n: if you look back, you'll see i got four comments, but the fourth doesn't count. i only counted the first 3 votes so anyway, here's the results.

A number appears on the stick. I'm number 1. "How lucky. I got number 8." Erza comes beside me and shows me her number. I look at the castle and say to Erza, "I assumed victory in this event relied entirely on the luck of the draw..." Everyone hears me though.

"Luck of the draw, I don't think so." The pumpkin says. "The game is more about pacing and judgement than the order you go in."

I shake my head, "This isn't even a game now." I walk forward. "I will take on... all 100 foes. I choose to challenge 100 monsters."

"K-Kabo?! That's not how the game works!"

I nod, "100 monsters is my right to challenge."

"Even so! It's a bad idea!" The pumpkin tries warning.

"Maybe it is. I'm hearing your warnings, I can hear the other contestants whispering, but I'm deciding to ignore them and I'm deciding to ignore you too. I'm pushing my luck. And you guys whispering and telling me it's a bad idea makes me want to do it even more." I say.

"This won't go well. K-Kabo!"

I shrug, "Maybe it will." I hand him back the stick and start walking inside the castle.


"Y/n challenged all 100?!" Lucy worries as the lacrima screen shows Y/n all by herself in a dark castle.


The castle is upside down. Weird. "I, Y/n Fernandes of, Fairy Tail B... choose to fight 100 monsters." I declare confidently as I reach the inside. I hold my sword tightly as grey monsters appear from all around me and huge red ones start running at me. There's no going back now. I look up and see a huge blue one hanging on a chandelier.


"There's a bunch of them!" Wendy's voice trembles.

"Even that D class seems really tough." Lucy says.

"Does she seriously plan on taking them all by herself?" Gray asks, a bit concerned.

"She will. Y/n can do it." Natsu smiles.

"Natsu seems very excited!" Wendy says.

"This would've suited him more than the Chariot game." Lucy sighs, recalling yesterday's game.

"Will Y/n be alright?" Juvia asks her team in concern.

"She'll manage somehow." Gajeel says.

"Let's just sit back and enjoy the show." Laxus tells them.


They all start charging at me at the same time. I slash them all in a swift move of my sword and they disintegrate. I jump up. "Falling stars!" Rays of light release from me and shoot down at the monsters. More start to disintegrate.

I get down and slash some more. With just my sword, I managed to defeat all D Class. I notice something in the corner of my eye. I turn my side and see a huge fire breath attack headed my way. I cut through the fire attack. I run towards the C class monsters that sent the fire attack and slash them. They disintegrate.

"Oh my! She defeated 5 C class monster already!"

I hear the outside announcer. "Star blades!" I cast as more and more monsters start conunf at me. Sharp, large, and bright star figures appear around and me start slashing all of the monsters. A huge blue one appears in front of me. The monster releases electricity from its mouth. I swipe my hand to the side and forcefield appears, sending the attack right back.

Another blue monsters appear and swing its claw, hitting me and sending me flying. "Light drills!" Pillar of light appear all around the place and cause an explosion. More monsters were eliminated. I land back on the ground.

"Incredible! She's already taken out half of the monsters!"

I breath in and out. I look ahead and see a lot more coming at me. "Dipoles!" Instead of small droplets of fire and ice, it was more like huge orbs of them. They hit the monsters ahead and manage to only take out some. A blue one's tail swings at me and I didn't have time to jump or move out of the way.

It hits me. I flip back and land on the ground. "Light wave!" I extend my right arm sideways and generate light around it, which start circling it in spirals. I shape it into a destructive wave of light magic which is sent rushing at all of them, splitting anything in its path, including the ground itself.

Most were gone and one of the few left standing was a big red one.

"She is now faced with an A class monster!"

It swings it's fist down and before it hits me, I create a forcefield. When the two clashed, its arm broke into pieces. I jump up and slash it, sending it crashing through the wall. I start running after a small creature on the ground. That must be the S-Class. As I'm running to follow the S-Class, more monsters get in my way. The shoot their beams at me.

I cut through them. "Mercury bombs!" Red orbs appear around me and fly to the monsters. They explode and cause red smoke everywhere. I can't see through the smoke. Another red monsters jumps up from below and swings at me. I jump up, "Lightning sphere!" A huge yellow sphere appears around him and releases a strong attack of electricity.

I land back down and one blue and one small red one appear. "Orion's swords!" I cast. Hundreds of light swords appear around me and strike at them. I turn around and see two D class ready to shoot from behind me. They let off their blast. "Scutum!" A shield appears in front of me.

"Aquila!" Eagles made out of light appear around me and fly at them. I turn around and see more.

"Urano Metria!" Those were out. I look up and see some coming down on me.

"Meteor shower!" Rocks engulfed in flames fly down and hit them before they could reach me. More come and I easily managed to strike them down with my sword.

"I-I've heard about her! Y/n Fernandes Queen of the Night! She is truly fearless!"

I land back on the ground and place my hands on my knees. I was definitely tired. I heard the announcer say I have four left. If I'm correct, it's 2 Bs, 1 A, and the S class.

I look at the building in front of me and see a big red one on top of it. I start running towards it. Once I reach it, it clenches both his fist swings down on me. I place my sword out and it clashes with that.

I quickly jump back and then up, slashing it in the middle. The floor underneath it collapses. I look to my sides and see two blue ones. I jump up and they clash with each other. "Constellation Marks!" White dots appear around the two monsters before all the little dots explode.

I land back on the ground. Now there's one left. I look down in front of me to see the little creature with one eye. "As I suspected... you're the S class." I say to it. "Come." I challenge it.


The location of the battle and changed and it had me on the floor with its foot on me. I was stopping its foot from crushing with my hands. It lifts up it's leg and kicks me. I slide on the floor. I glare at it for a second before it kicks me up. It swings its fist and I swing my sword.

The monster looks at its hand and see its fingers were sliced off. I land in front of it before standing up straight. I clap my hands together before pointing my index finger at the sky. "Saturn rings!" A huge light circle appears above it and below it. The monster frantically looks around before all the magic I had left was released from these rings. With that, the monster crumbled down. I smile and raise my fist into the air with full pride.

a/n: by the time i finished writing this chapter, i checked and counted. it was 6 votes a to 5 votes b :) hopefully you guys enjoy! i already have a plan for erza.

if you would like an ALTERNATE chapter where you get number 8, then comment :)

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