5. Curiosity

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After the events between Jimin and me, I wanted to clear things up. But it was always difficult to talk to him because either he was just looking at me or I received just a quiet "Yes" or "No" on my questions. It was kind of a one-sided conversion.

But now I found a really good way to communicate with Jimin and have even a casual talk.
We both were locked in the dark art room, where he was facing a black canvas that had light tubes on each sides. I was sitting on a table in the back and was watching him painting.

"Do you already have an idea, what you want to paint? Or are you going with the flow?" I asked him bearable seeing his body contour.
He only hum and I heard a grabbing noise from the side and the splashing sound after. The canvas was imminently lighten up like waves in fire.
I watched him painting and splashing more color's on the pour black wall and was fascinating by the process of his creation.

"It already looked so cool," I admitted and saw his body turned.

"It's not ready yet," he said shyly but I knew he loved the compliment and I decided to went on this path.
"I am sure it will be amazing, like the last painting you did," I said with sincerity.
His mouth left a shy giggle and than a barely audible "thank you."
I was sure he was blushing by now.
His body turned arond again and grabbed into something, just to dive it in some color and painting it on the canvas.
"Are you planning to tell me, what you already have in mind about this project?"

I heard him sighing. "Did you ever heard about the greek mythology," he asked not leaving his work on the canvas.

"You mean Zeus and Hercules?" I assumed thinking about the disney series I saw as a kid.

"Exactly," he said and swiped some blue color with a spatula. "According to a legend, once lived an invincible lion who was knitted out by Heraklion. His arrogance and complacency finally broke his neck," he explained and put the spatula away.

"Pride comes always before the fall," I replyed and heard him hum in agreement.

He took another splash on the canvas. "Sometimes prudence and submissiveness is better than forbearance," he explained.

"What have submissiveness to do with his death?"

"My theory is, when he saw no way out of his unsolvable situation, he could try being submissive and maybe had the chance to survive."
He turned in my direction. "The law of nature shows us the alpha is always the strongest. If another equal opponent came and fighting for your place, than there are two choices, fight till death or be submissive try to survive and live peacefully."

I was all ears by his words. "And you are the submissive typ, because you want to survive?" I assumed without a second thought.
After a long quiet moment, I hop from the table and just leaned into the edge. "Or are you looking for someone that can give you the feeling of a carefree mind and can take care of you?" I tryed to challenging him with the same words that didn't left my mind since I watched the video a few days ago.

I heard him took in a long breath and knew, I had the point.
"I want someone who can handle me." He said boldly and now it was me who was caught of guard.
I ached my brows at his straightforwardness, still not used to this Jimin and always expecting a shy answer.

"I saw your video," I said and felt my heart beating faster by the memories of him naked dancing in front of a camera.

"Let's play a game," he suddenly suggested. "You tell me, what you liked the most and I tell you what I would like to get?"

Heat crawled up my vines. With I quiet "okay," I took a long breath and prepared myself for the coming conversation.

I closed my eyes and let the pictures flooded my mind again and trying very hard not to get to exitited and hard.
"I liked the part with the pirouette?" It was more an question as an statement.

I heard a giggle from the other side of the room.

"I would like it, if you would commanded me moving my body in front of you." He said and I was shocked about his honesty and the sudden change in his voice.

"I... uhm I liked the thing with the choker," I admitted cautious.

"I have a black one with a chain," he gave it away.
I gulped and just stared at the contour of his body. "I would like it, if you would use it on me," he acknowledged and I know this conversation is a very big deal, not only for me.
This was a very sensitive and intimate area that we just entered and our world would collapse if this conversation would came out.

I lick my bottom lip at the sexuell thoughts I had. "We should maybe talk about the limits," I suggested just to bring the conversation in a other direction.

"I don't know my limits," he admitted.

"You didn't made experiences before?"
I didn't heard a response from him. "Jimin?"

"Oh... uhm sor-...ry, I think I didn't went to my limits before," he explained stuttering. I assumed something like a no ot a yes, but this kind of answer was worth a second thought. But not now.

"But you have special desires?"

I only heard a hum from him.

"I should be honest to you, I don't know how fare I can go or if I even can give you what you are looking for. Maybe we both have completely opposite intentions." I sigh and took one step in his direction. Then another one and one more till I felt his heavy breaths caressed my skin.
"But I think we can find it out together," I said and surched for his hand just to brush my fingers over his skin.

My heart was about to explode by the touch of skin on skin and I was sure, his either.
We knew each other since the second semester, but wasn't ever close. He was just a student in my eyes at first, then he turned to the clumsy annoying guy that always crossed my path and went on my nerves.

Now he was someone that I haven't even a description for. But I knew for sure, he is a very interesting person with a lot of secrets.

And I'm craving get to know each of them.

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