11. "Motchi" ♠️

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I chewed on my lips unsure if I really should do it.

This situation accumulated recently often, where I, the confidence one, was an insecure looking student, that want to make his first experience, but haven't grow enough balls for the next step.
And I knew clearly the reason who caused this all.

I was standing in front of a shave with a row full of handcuffs in different colors covered with various materials.

"Can I help you young man?"
A middle-aged man approached me and I already felt heat crawling up my face.
Before I could say a word, he picked up two pairs of handcuffs und opend them, just to close them again.

"This is the way to handle them. You see, there are keys, but you also can open them, just pushing the bottom and they will spring open." He explained and showed it to me. I nodded but was to shy to say or even aske something.

"I guess you need it just for one fun night. Then you can buy this one's." He pointed to the bottom row. "The others are a little bit more expensive but also for the use of several times."

I blinked dumbfounded and felt more heat in my face. I guess, I was as red as a tomato till now.

The corners of his mouth pulled up as he threw one quick look at me.
"You are buying this for a Bachelor night, aren't you?"

I thought about the lie quickly and decided to nod. This wasn't true of course, but he didn't have to know it.

He smiled kindly at me. "Then I can show you the bestsellers for this event's." He walked in the other direction and I didn't want him to catch me lying, so I followed him.

Twenty minutes later I left the store with a black plastic back filled with toys and other stuff, which I didn't know, if I would ever use them.
But for now I was going home to prepare myself for the coming night and texted Jimin my aktuell list.

Message to Jimin:

Do's | Don'ts
Ice | Fire
Handcuffs | Stabing

Message from Jimin:

I am extremely excited.


I was already standing outside and hesitated to ring the bell.
Why? Because I brought something that could change the whole atmosphere between us.
We didn't talked much about using stuffs and which of them were on the "Do's" list and which one's not.

While I was dressing myself at home for the upcoming event, the bag didn't leave my mind. Every second minute my attention draw to the pretty bag with the lewd items that shouted to be used on this milky skin of his.
My thoughts drove upside-down with what I could or even would do in less then a hour, so I let out a quiet "fuck it!" and picked up three things and stuffed them in my bagpack.

The decision not telling him about the toys, made me nervous as hell and I prayed, that it would came out positively.

I chewed on my lips still staring at my phone and thinking of should I text Jimin or not, when I heard the buzzing noise of the door.
I took a deep breath and tightened the grip on the strip of my backpack
and stepped in the hallway to get to Jimins appartement.

His door stood one split open, so I stepped in and closed it behind me.

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