10. Low-Key

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"Would you pass me a bottle?" Teahyung asked Yoongi while lying comfortable on the coach and didn't want to move a bit.
"Why don't you stretch your hand?" Yoongi was the grumpy cat himself and didn't want to move either.

"I'm lazy."

The older rolled his eyes. "This is not my fucking problem."

"Hyung." Teahyung whined while made grabby hands to the bottle.
Yoongi just threw him a glare and picked up the bottle. But what no one expected was, that he placed the bottle onto his lips and quaffed the rest of the liquid down his throat.

"It's already empty," he said like nothing happend and turned his attention to his phone again and left a open mouth Teahyung on the couch.

Hoseok that sat near Teahyung stood up and walked to the kitchen, while Tea complained about Yoongi's behavior and came back with a new cooled bottle of bear and handed it Teahyung.
The other looked up surprised and sat straight with a giant smile on his face, happily opening his bottle and took a satisfied sip.

Hoseok had his sinshine smile on his face and smirked at Teahyung, beaming like a stupid schoolgirl in love.
He let himself fall in the soft cushions again and then lay down his head casualy on Tea's lap.
The younger reacts immediately with a light blush but tryed his hardest to cover it up with a raw of excessive laughter because of Jin's death jokes.

It was amusing to observe the whole scene and I couldn't hide my smirk because of my hyungs obvious behavior.

Suddenly I felt a gaze on me and looked through the room to catch Namjoon staring at my with a smirk as well.

He stood up and walked in the direction of the kitchen with me following.

I heard already a plop sound and then another one, as I entered the room and he immediately turned around and handed me a bottle of beer.

I thanked him and took a sip with relish.

"What is about the grin?" He asked me with a smug smile.

I just shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe it's the taste of the beer?" I said jokingly.

Namjoon arched his brow. "This grin stucked on your face already the whole week."

I felt caught and took another sip. "It's because hyungs obvious behavior," I explained and threw my head back in the direction of the livingroom where Teahyung and Hoseok were stucked to each other, like they never heard something about personal space.

"Hoseok is all soft and caring for only Teahyung and the younger is more whipped then cream." I said and we both laughed about the two lovebirds.
"Why they didn't already started dating?" I asked curioused.

"Hmm, I think Hoseok is showing, in his eyes, enough affection and is waiting for Teahyung to make the next step, but Tea is just blind to recognize it and to shy to confess." Namjoon assumed and I nodded in agreement.

I sighed in disappointment. "I bet they will not starting dating before our finals," I said with a shaked head and Namjoon scrunched his nose smiling.

"We all want the happiness for the both of them, but they should figure it out by themselves," he said it like he was already tired to watch them flirting and not being happy together.

I chewed on my lip. "A hint wouldn't hurt, right?"

"What ever you have in mind, please do me a favor and think twice. We don't need a drama before they aren't even in a relationship, Kook's." He warned me with a worried expression.

"I will not cause trouble, I promise," I said and lifted up my hands in defense.
He looked at me, not really convinced, but nodded at last.

"By the way of trouble, what happend with the troublemaker after you stormed out of the Coffeeshop?"

I felt my heart beating faster by the mention of Jimin. "I have thought about what you told me that day and I have to say thank you to you! You were right at this point."
Namjoon looked at me with a questioning look, so I decided to give him a little bit more information.

"We both started to hanging around in other places."
I said it honestly but didn't told him the whole story.
I really felt bad, that I'm not able to be completely honest and open up to my hyung.
Namjoon was one of my closest friends and I always looked up to him and appreciated his advises, but I couldn't just told him casualy what was going on between me and Jimin. Especially not after our first time in his apartment.
I hated the fact, that I had to hide something from him, I really did. But I wasn't ready yet and I hope from the bottom of my heart, that our friendship would withstand it.

"We have something between friendship and getting to know each other and I like the fact, that he calms me down and I can inspire him without even trying." This words gushed out of me before I could hold them back. I was surprised by myself that I could talk about us like this.

Honestly I felt a kind of addictions ignited in my whole body, after I left his apartment after our session. The whole week went by in a fogged condition and I couldn't wait for meeting him again.
We couldn't hang around either because of his part time job and his deadline for his projects.
But we texted a lot recently and it helped a lot to hold back myself, just not to visit him in the art room.

"Yes, Jin also mentioned it a few days ago. You are more well-balanced, even after the foul in practice."

I didn't know what to say, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

"A little bit of positive influence wouldn't hurt, right?" He said and pushed himself away from the counter where he was leaning on and started to walk in the livingroom again.

I realized it a second to late and ran after him, but he was already sitting in his old position and talked to Jin in a soft way.

I snorted, as I watched my best friends acting all wired as hell recently.
Namjoon and Jin were always in there own bubble and didn't even noticed, when a huge accident paralyzed the entire way to the campus.

What was going on?

And I shouldn't mentioning Teahyung, who were almost hit by a bicycle because he had all eyes for Hoseok. And the other, who didn't slept for two days, because he made a mixtape for the younger.

I shaked my head by the sight in front of me and sat on the couch near Yoongi, who seemed to think the same way as me, because of his grumpy mood, that last for the complete past months.

I took out my phone and saw a notification from my messenger. As I opend it, I spewed out my beer immediately.

Message from: Jimin

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