25. A Wild Lily

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I was almost full dressed as I heard the bell and run upstairs to open the front door.
My brows arched upwards, as I saw Hoseok standing in the door frame grining wide with a big cup of popcorn and a bottle sprite in his hands.

"Hyung...? What are you doing here?" I asked him confused and thought about some hangout I maybe forgot.

"Isn't it obvious?" He answered and walked pass me. "Let's have a movie night!" He suggested and I bite down my bottom lip to surch for a good excuse to throw him out of my house.

"Has Teahyung his appointment today?" I assumed remembering him quit some hangouts with us in the past, because of the tradition to have a big dinner with the whole family at his grandma's house every month.

"Yeeessss! And I'm missing him so much already." He whined and I felt more bad as ever to want him to leave.

He went straight to the kitchen blubbering some unimportant stuff about his boring day and I followed him thinking hard about what to say to him. He pulled out two cups from the drawer and already opend the bottle of lemonade, but suddenly stopped in his track as his eyes landed on the flower and the fancy bag from the chocolate factory that I brought with me when I came back from my run.

He looked at me with hooded eyes and checked me out from head to toes. "You have a date!" His eyes widen and his lips was already forming to a huge grin.

"No, no its not a date," I said fast in defense and laughted awkward, as he put down the bottle back on the table.

"Spill the tea, Jungkook!"

"Hyungie~," I whined and hoped he would stopped his action, like he catched me sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night.

"Jeon Jungkook. Either you will tell me the truth or I will make myself very very convertible," he said and demonstrated it instantly with a devious glance and sitting down in slow motion on a barstool and put his feets on an other chair.

I sighed giving up and opend the bottle to pour him a cup of his favorite lemonade and shoved it to him. "Here you go."

He arched a single brow.
"You really don't want to tell me?"

Hoseok made a disappointed pout with his mouth and took a sip from his cup.

"There must be something very interesting in this person, that you want to hide. Like ..." He started again and I rolled my eyes.

"Like nothing!" I said to shut the conversation down, but arched my brows as he suddenly grined provocative and sipped on his cup.

"Like something criminal or embarrassing." He continued and I snorted at his assumption. "Hyung, really?"

He leand in and supported himself on his elbows.
"Maybe this is someone I already know," he said and squeezed his eyes shut thoughtfully and sipped on his sprite again.

Oh oh.

"Maybe it's someone unexpected, someone that isn't your typ at all."

"Hyung, let it go. Please." I pleaded desperately.

"Maybe it is someone, you wouldn't date in the past." He said it teasingly and I turned around to leave him alone in the kitchen. I couldn't hide my nervousness any longer.

"Maybe it's some short blond person with a bad habit to drives you nuts since a few semesters." He said and I stopped in the tracke. I felt his eyes on me piercing through my back, as I laughed awkward and turned around to him.

Heat crawled up my face while I tried hard to act normal and walked back to the kitchen counter, where he was sitting.

"Why are you blushing Jungkook-ah?"

I avoided his gaze and pured myself a cup of sweet lemonade in and gulped it down in one go.

"Maybe you are already head over heels for the cutie." He said with a mischievous grin and I coughed because of some drops of lemonade got stuck in my throat.

"You are so obvious." He commented and reached out for a kitchen towel and handed it to me.

After I whipped my mouth I
looked at his amused grin as he pick up the flower and twisted it in between his fingers.

"I knew it in the moment I saw your expression in your garden, as you spotted Jimin behind me."

I gulped and didn't dare to say something.
We stayed silent for a while and I fumbled nervous with my fingers to distract myself, as he cleared his throat and I looked up to him.

"I saw a change in your behavior recently and after I read the text from the party night at my place, that you have send to him, let me already assume something. And the way you were completely not your self after that night, made me more curious, but after I saw how you react as you saw him I was pretty sure about you both. Not to mention your words in the cafeteria from today."
He sighed and bypassed the table to step in front of me.

"Jungkook-ah, Jimin and I met coincidentally in a park at the time tea and I fought and talked for a bit. I visited him a day after in the Coffeeshop and he joined me with a cup of hot chocolate," he told me with a warm smile and I felt a uncomfortable emotion igniting internally.
This was the time I was not able to see him and this drove me almost to the edge. It made me a bit mad and jealous, that he was the one that could  talked to him, even for a bit. But in this point I already knew I couldn't blame him, it was all my fault and I gulped the jealousy down and spended my attention to him again.

"He seems to be a shy but precious person with a tender and fragile heart. What ever is going on between you both, please take it slow and  conscientious your decisions."

I couldn't lie to him and deny the fact, that I liked Jimin. But was it more then just feeling a bit attracted to a person? What we did in the past in his apartment could be excused as curiosity from a young adult and the last night we spent. But in this case I have to be honest to myself. I wanted to be with him a second time, not just because of the great sex, I wanted to feel him and be with him in any ways.

"Hyung I don't know myself what is in between us. I would describe it as friendship in the first place," I said it honestly but also kept out that I was addicted to his lips and the things we have done with the whip.

Hoseok sighed. "Sometimes it's the best way to give yourself time. Take your time to find out what you want and what you feel." He petted my sholders and turned around to leave me but stopped in the doorframe, "but all of them doesn't matter, when you aren't willing to stand behind your decision. Choose thoughtfully and think well about the consequences."

With this words he stepped through the frontdoor and leave my house, letting me stand dumbfounded behind.

What does he meant by that, I asked myself as I looked at the single beautiful lily, that I picked from a natural pond in a forest.

He knew that Jimin and I had something going on, but never said a single word. He kept it to himself and that worried me the most.
Usually he would spread the new gossip immediately to our hyungs and my phone would be blown with silly texts in our group chat.
But not this time.

Was it something that maybe Jimin said to him, that days they met? Or was it the fact that Jimin was a guy and I was always know as a straight guy? And what did he mean with the consequences?

I chewed on my lips while washing the cups and put them away in the drawer again. It was almost six o'clock in the evening, as I stepped out of the house, making my way to Jimins appartement with the pink fancy bag in my hand.

Just the wild white lily was standing lonely in a glass vase on the kitchen counter in the dusk, waiting desperate for someons attention, that I left behind.

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