7. Apple Pie

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I cursed internally, as I ran to the school building. I didn't brought my bike to the library, so I had to hurry if I wanted to make it on time.
I reached the schoolground fifteen minutes after the last lesson and prayed, that the gates would stayed open. I ran up the stairs and enter the empty art room with heavy breath.
The last student left already and I could looked through the art room peacefully.

My target was standing on the floor covered with a big sheet, that I carefully lift.
There it was. A giant lion head in many shades of gray and the magnificent mane shined in varied colors.
I surched for a signature, but didn't found one.
I lifted other canvas and saw different signatures, just on Jimins pictures lacked every trace of it.

I knew it had something to do with his behavior and to try always be unseen. But I wonder what or how brought him in this state.

The world's he said in the art room days ago was spinning in my head and I face palmed myself, that I didn't understand it earlier.

"My theory is, when he saw no way out of his unsolvable situation, he could try being submissive and maybe had the chance to survive."

I didn't know what happened in his life that he had to face an unsolvable situation, that forced him to hide his beauty and talent.

But I really wanted to found out and maybe helped him to get over it. For his own good and for his future, to be a flourishing artist.

I sighed sadly and made my way out of the schoolground. The wether was awesome and I decided to drove a little bit through the streets with my bike.

I let my thoughts drift with the wind, while I drove along an avenue with old blossom trees.

The ride felt like just a half an hour, but, when I came to a stop and took a look on my watch, it was almost evening and I was more then two hours driving around in reality.
I saw a big matel gate that was leading to a park, so I decided to take a qick walk and drive home after

I parked my bike near the entrance and walked through the metal gate.
It is very calmly in here with the ancient oak trees, that were placed along on each side of the walkway, till to a pond. I always appreciated the sight of natur, it didn't matter in which sessions.

I picked up a little stone and threw it in the pond. It jumped three times on the water, until it immersed and left my sight. I picked up a few other stones and threw them together with more force in the water.

"Why so aggressiv?" I heard a familiar voice behind me and immediately spinned around.

He was sitting under a big spreading tree and looked at me with a smug smile. I felt my heart skipped a beat by his confident expression.
He closed his sketchbook, while I approached him and put it on the side.

"I wanted to know, if Mr. Kim was right about the theories he thought us in physics lesson," I casualy explained and grin at him.


I just shrugged with my shoulders. "He goes sometimes on my nerves but I have to admit, that he knows what he is talking about."

Jimin giggled and I simply admired the way his eyes formed to crescents and he beamed all over his face.

"Wow. He is beautiful," I took the liberty to think about him this way. "It's just a random face, but I simply never looked at him clearly. This is why I think he is a good looking guy, not more." I tryed hard to convinced myself.

"Are you coming often to this place to test your teachers theories?" He asked bravely and I was a little surprised about his question. Usually he talked to me only in the dark art room or through text, in other situations where we saw each other he was shy and just gave briefly answers, when I tryed to talk to him.
But now, I understood why.

"Not really," I say with a laughter and sit down near him.
"What about you? Do you draw here often?"

He nodded and let his gaze wandered through the calm pond. I looked at his side profile and felt a little bit of a weird pleasant feeling about the pretty sharp coutures of his jawline.

He catched me starting and I immediately looked away and cleared my throat.
"What did do draw, before I interrupted you?" I asked him with a venerable interest.

He picked up his sketchbook but hesitated to show me. "It isn't ready yet," he said and then opend it.

It was a sketch from a beautiful dekorativ cake which looks like a mixture of traditional baked cake and modern topics.
"I... I'm working on a birthday cake for a costumer that wantet to have a thema cake which included apples and macaroons," he explained.

"Are this the things?" I asked and point to a round biscuite, that I saw trending on twitter meny times. "Isn't there some in rainbow colors and with stamps on it?"
He nodded but then picked up his pencil with a thoughtful expression and draw a cute apple on a biscuite.

"It looks cool," I complemented him.

"Thank's to you. There are just colorful, but I never seen pictures on them." He looked up from his drawing. "You have great ideas, you should help me more often with my work."

I felt I heat crawled up my face and stood up to cover it.
"I think it was just coincidence because of my stupidy." I laughed and turnd around to face him.

"Would you prefer to meet at this place, then in the art room and hangout sometimes and maybe we can discuss other work of yours, if you want?"

He chewed on his lips and then nodded.

"Okey," I said and wantwd to pinch myself at the same time. Why didn't I noticed by myself, that he didn't want me hanging out with him in school? I got used to the attention from other students, but almost forgot that he was the completely opposite person, who covered himself in black hoodys and wanted to be unseen.
If I would thought about it, it was me that went in the art room and not him asked me to hangout with him. But he was just to gentle to tell me to leave him alone.

I decided to change the topic and shove the uncomfortable feeling back

"Jimin, is your list completed with your do's & don'ts?" I caught him of guard because of his eyes that widened and the deep red blush on his cheeks.
He opend his mouth but closed it again.

I grined and decided to speak first. "Honestly my is far away from the finishing, because there are still things, I'm not sure about," I said honestly and he nodded affirmatively.

"What if we try some lightweighted things and find out about the other things together?" I suggested and I didn't knew that his blush could get to a more deeper shade.
I found it adorable.
"But let's exchange our lists first." I said and can't barely hide my excitement. "But first, I had a lot of lectures to read."

He was now red like a tomato and I couldn't barely hold back a laugh, so I bite onto me bottom lip and hesitated to leave him.

"Shoud I give you a ride?"
As he shaked his head and avoiding my gaze, I said " good bye" and turned arond and walked the path to the entrance. My mouth left giggles all the time because of his shyness, while I drove back home with a backpack full of papers waiting for me to study them.

I couldn't wait to read his do's. But I was also scared about it. What if, I wasn't able to give him what he wanted? And what are his limits? Is he thinking out sex?
My heart beated fast by the thought.
Can imagine sleeping with him?
I didn't realy know by now.
The only think I was sure about, was that I wanted to approached the experience.

The longer I have spent time with him and learned about the subject, the more a wish arouses in me to fulfill his desires.

And I'm excited to do all of it with him.

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