27. Wet-In-Wet-Technique

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If someone had told me beforehand that I would voluntary agree to watch a documentary film, I would have laughed my ass off of the hilarious statement.
But now I was sitting in a comfortable position on Jimins couch and waiting for him to come back in the livingroom to start watching the foreign movie he choosed and I haven't complained about it even for a bit.

Maybe it was Jimins way to talk about the content that sounded extra special and interesting or it was just my pleased stomach that was full of delicious food and didn't saw a need to contradict to his suggestion.
I just wanted him back by my side and enjoying his presence and didn't really care much about the movie we were about to watch.

He walked back finely with too glases of different drinks and handed me one with blue liquid. For himself he made a pinkish looking cocktail and I arched my brow in curiosity what he mixed together.

"I thought you would like a cocktail with blueberry liqueur," he explained shyly as he saw my curious expression and I sniffed carefully on the glas and inhaled a freshly sweet scent.

"And what did you made for yourself?"

"It's a Cocktail with Strawberry syrup," he explained and took a sip from his straw. I imitated his action and widen my eyes because of the surprising delicious taste. "It is so good~," I complemented him and saw how he blushed and sipped on his drink to cover up his heated cheeks.
The corners of my mouth lifted up about his cuteness and I wanted to know how much I could create the dark redness on his face.

But not now.
It wasn't the right time to mess around with him, so I sipped one more time on my fruity drink and placed it on the table to get back in my comfortable position.

He grabbed the remover and started playing the movie. He wasn't that close to me, while leaning back on the soft cushions of his couch, but I could nonetheless smell his warm and pleasent scent.
It was a cozy and comfy atmosphere with him sitting there in the evening hours watching a movie with a foreign genre but it didn't felt
uncomfortable to cross the newland line.

The first twenty minutes were the hardest to convince myself that the movie will turn out as a really good one. It did at last at the half way because of the good story of the jung boy from Cambodia, that made his way to the best stage of the
renowned Pacific Northwest ballet in Seattle. Jimin downright devoured this story and even smiled when the protagonist reached his goals of his way to the best dancers in the world.

Although the movie got better every minute I struggled to follow the story, because of the person near me.
I was simply distracted from the way his eyes sparkled when he watched the actor dancing to the way his plump lips formed to a beautiful warm smile when the protagonist explained his passion for dancing, like he literally felt his words through the television.

What didn't really helped was Jimins side profile that distracted me every time, when he moved to surch for a more comfortable position on the couch.
His sharp jawline looked so stunning with the lights from the television and the way his skin was glowing like a ice sculpture in the dimmed room, let me wonder if it would feel cold, when I would touch him.

"You should watch the movie, not me," I heard him saying without looking at me.

I was patented and watched a documentary. Not till the end but we are almost reaching the final, so I would say I was a well-behaved boy and did a good job. But now, I craved my treat and wouldn't except something else.

I took a sip from my glas and placed it back on the table, while looking at him with a smug smile. He avoided my eyes and fidget uncomfortable on the couch.
This made me smirk amused even more, so I leand closer to him and sniffed on his glas. The scent was fruity and sweet and remembered me on his delicate lips. He tensed up a bit because we were really close right now and I wanted to test him just a bit more, so I leand back again and pretent that I lost interest in his drink.

He let out his holding breath and I have to supress a laugh because of what I was about to do.

"Do you know what you get when you mix blue color and red together?"
He lifted his head up confused and answered immediately.
"Sure. Purple, why?"

"Because you have a red trail on your lips and I have a blue one, but would rather get a purple one," I said challenging and watched him knitting his brows but then widen his eyes as he get what I asked for.
The cute boy gulped nervous and didn't dare to move a bit.

"May... em.. maybe you should drink my cocktail," he pressed out and I laughted internally about the intense blush on his cheeks.

"Tell me Jimin, what did you told me about the artist that poured two different colors on purpose on a canvas and spinned it, just to mix it directly on his painting?"

He chewed on his bottom lip but answerd afterwards. "He wanted to get the best view of colors that overflow into each others pigments."

"Good boy," I praised him and received a harder shade of red in his face.
This went better then I expected.

"So what of a advise would you give to me, when I want the same technique?"

I was the worst brat right now, but loved it to much how I caught him of guard and he was a red mess till now.

"Should I give you a hint?"
I closed the distance between us and leand forward to his earlobe. My heart was racing in my chest as I smelled his scent and saw how he closed his eyes and took in a long breath.

"It's calling a wet-in-wet-technique," I whispered and he let out the air he was holding in his lungs with a barely noticeable moan.

This boy was damn sexy without even trying.

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