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Laying onto the cold floor, I traced small patterns of flowers against the concrete flooring. The floor was clear of blood, much like the rest of the room. But the same couldn't be said about me, I was still drenched in blood. My once gray dress was stained a disgusting ruby red. My hair was dried and brittle from the dried blood. My skin was coated in a layer of blood. Not to mention the slow aching feeling that was starting to spread throughout my body.

Everything hurts. The slightest movement sent small waves of pain throughout my body. I could tell that both Peeta and Johanna felt the same way that I did. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or lack of food that made both of them act like this, no matter what it was. I could tell that we all were slowly losing our energy. And piece by piece we were losing our fire. I could feel the flames slowly get dispersed every time that T.V turned on. Every time Finnick's screams played for hours and hours.

"Dyin' ain't so bad.."  I hum quietly, my voice echoing loudly.

Johanna's fight⎯the fight that we⎯the fight that I loved so much. Left her the moment the water in her room started to rise above her ankles. When the floors and walls started to buzz with electricity. Peeta's fight left him when those trackerjaker's stung him repeatedly, only stopping when his T.V turned on. Then the cycle would continue. Sting. Play a video. Sting. It was a cycle they had us on. If their plan was to break us down, it was working.

"I don't think I can remember life before the games." Johanna said, making me lift my head up slightly.

"Me too." Peeta chimes in, letting out a small laugh.

"You know what I could kill for?" Johanna asks, turning to her side.

"What?" I ask, shooting her a lazy smile.

"A roll of bread or a piece of roasted rabbit. God that was so amazing! Back at home we would eat that after working in the lumber yards." Johanna rambles on, making me think about my life before the games.

It was so simple. So innocent. I couldn't afford half of the things I have now. But, that didn't matter. What mattered was that I had my parents. Alive. I hadn't thought much about the Games. I was innocent. I wasn't a Victor. My name held no meaning. No value. I could do whatever I wanted without a care in the world. It was perfect.

"It's hard to think that life was different at least compared to now. Everything is so much more different now." I said, my stomach growling at the thought of the meat pies from back at home.

"How?" Peeta asks, as I look over at him.

"Well after my Games, the Gamemaker's decided that the games couldn't end so quickly. They raised the prices of food in my District as a punishment. A warning to everyone I guess. Almost all of my people couldn't afford the high price for food." I explain, chewing on my bottom lip.

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