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"KATNISS!" Peeta screams, making me flinch at the harshness of his voice.

Coughing up blood, my breathing comes out in short lags of breaths and gasps for air, it was so painful. Like nails were being dragged down my lungs. Clawing at my throat, I continued to struggle for air no matter how painful it was, I needed to breathe. I needed to. Opening my mouth to speak, a small stream of blood pours out the corner of my mouth, hitting the floor. Blood. Blood. Blood. There's blood.

"FUCK YOU SNOW! YOU LITTLE BIT⎯" Johanna screams, before she is forced to hold her breath.

For what seemed like the last hour and a half, it felt like the Capitol was more pissed than usual. Johanna's room had filled up with water⎯ten times faster than it normally did. No longer resting at her ankles, but now, more than halfway close to reaching the ceiling. Peeta had been screaming non-stop. His T.V. had been flashing pictures at a rapid pace with the trackerjaker's matching the speed perfectly. I was left alone, nothing out of the ordinary, that was until the air felt heavy.

Clawing at my neck, I gasp for air as my nails rub the skin raw and sensitive to the touch. It felt like I was drowning in water, but there was no water at all to choke on. It was just like my dream, only this time I was sure that this was reality. Wheezing for air, I took a deep breath for air when just as quick as it started, it stopped. The air went back to normal.

I could breathe again. But both Peeta and Johanna weren't as lucky as me. Their torture⎯Their little pockets of hell was still going. The bugs were still stinging. The water kept rising. Coughing up blood, the once clean floors of my room were now stained in blood. But the difference was that I knew where this blood was from, unlike my last encounter.

"Dyin ain't so bad, not anymore at least. It used to be a thing I feared⎯dying, but now it doesn't seem so bad. Pixie, Klaus, Milama, my Mom. They're all dead. They're all waiting for me on the other side," I said, to no one in particular.

Staring up at the ceiling, I let the tears fall freely, not seeing the use to hide them anymore. They already broke me. They killed everyone that I loved. I couldn't save my Mom. Or Pixie. Or Milama. Or Klaus. I couldn't stop their deaths. God knows if Finnick was somehow alive. Snow said he was gone, but my heart wanted to dismiss it. Everything I care about is gone. He's gone.

"Finnick's probably dead⎯I hope that he is. I don't want him to be in pain, I want him to be safe. Or at least at peace. My Dad is probably dead. I don't know about Haymitch⎯but something tells me he's alive. He'll always find some way to live." I ramble, my voice being nothing but a whisper compared to Peeta's raw screaming.

Looking down at my nails, they were once painted in a vibrant gold, but now they were caked in blood and chipped with barely any specs of the gold nail polish. I knew that if Pixie or Milama were to see them. They would be shaming me for letting them get that way. They would say something along the lines of, "It's doesn't matter the situation..Your nails and hair cannot look like you've been attacked by a cat.." Or some other weird statement, that they said in the Capitol or wherever they hear it from.

"Yeah, dyin' ain't so bad anymore." I whisper, picking at some of the blood under my nails.

Hearing the cell door open, I stare at my nails as the sound of boots thumping on the floor echoes. This was the second time that this had happened. A Peacekeeper would walk into my room and just stand there. They would never say anything to me. Not a snicker. A chuckle. A joke. Nothing. They just stood there. Probably just to make sure that I was still alive and breathing. Or maybe they wanted proof that I was in fact alive.

"Miss.Grey. We have come to collect you, President Snow has a job for you." A cold voice said, making me lift my eyes up from my chipped nails.

Lifting my eyes up, I found my eyes staring at a pair of white boots with a small drop of blood on the corner. Was that mine? Someone else's? Trailing my eyes, I found myself looking up at a Peacekeeper, face covered and a folded towel in one hand. What? Kneeling down to my level, I feel other hands wrap themselves around me, dragging me out of the room. Well, that was new. Staring at all the passing lights, they stop in front of two metal doors.

Looking upside down, the doors creak open to reveal a pitch black room making the hairs on my arm rise. Fuck. Gulping at the cold air that hits, they dragged me inside, my thighs squeaking against the tiles. Pushing me in, I mutter curses under my breath as I turn around to face the stupid Peacekeeper. Looking him up and down, he had to be at least five inches taller than me, but he was still slightly skinny. So if I truly wanted to, I could attempt to take him down. But I was far too tired to try right now.

"Hit the shower's Miss.Grey. You smell." He said, as the door shut and the room's lights turned on.

Son of a bitch. Turning to the inside of the room, I was greeted with a blast of white light making me flinch. Fuck me that burns. Hissing at the sudden blinding light, I used my hand to block out some of the light as my eyes tried to adjust. Squinting a few times, I looked around the room, finding a tray of food and pills on a small table in the corner. Turning my head to the right, I found a large shower with a small chair not too far away. A folded stack of clothing resting on it.

"The actual hell does Snow want with me? And where the fuck am I?" I said, thinking out loud.

Letting out a small huff, I shakily walk over to the food and pills, eyeing it cautiously. Thinking if I wanted to risk eating it. A part of me wants to eat it. I haven't had food for who knows how long. But, what if it kills me? Poking it with my hand, I picked up the pills and twirled one around my palm. They looked like vitamins. Muttering a small prayer, I swallowed the pill dry, hoping that I wouldn't drop dead at that second.

Waiting for a second, I found myself grateful as they didn't do anything but bring up some of my energy. My head no longer was pounding, instead I felt a little more grounded and full. It was almost as if I gained some weight from this small pill, in a matter of seconds. But that was probably because I hadn't eaten anything in weeks. Eyeing the rest of the room, I look at the shower and think to myself. Should I bathe first or eat?

"Hit the shower's Miss.Grey. You smell." I said, mocking the Peacekeeper's statement; deciding to shower first.


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically in quarantine! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far!

P.S. The last one I swear!

 The last one I swear!

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