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That was all that lingered in the atmosphere as I hid under the island in the kitchen where I was beaten to a pulp daily. As sadistic as it seemed, it was nothing compared to the million forms of abuse I was put through on the daily just for a sadist's enjoyment.

Ever since my mother passed away while giving birth to me, my father had harnessed pure hatred for me and did very little to suppress it. Despite all the love and care I dared to show him on numerous occasions, my hopes for a nice, perfect family never stood a chance with his existence in the picture.

Slowing my breaths so as to drown out the only thing that would sell me out, I prayed and hoped that he would forget that I existed and go to bed or even walk out of this in defeat but unfortunately, lady luck had her own twisted plans for me.

The resonating sounds of boots make contact with the floor rang loud and hard in my ears, alerting me of the predator in range. Slow heartbeats soon turned frantic as the sickening thumps kept getting louder and louder until all I could hear was the heavy breathing on the other side of the island.

Head to my knees and tears streaming down my face, I waited, waited for the old man to finally crouch down and drag me by the hair just like he used to. The memories hit hard and came crashing like a wrecking ball right to my frail heart as I tried so damn hard to suppress the sobs threatening to spill out my mouth.

It wasn't until the temperature in the room dropped close to zero degrees did I realize the fact that my fate had already been sealed. He had found me. The cynical smile that adorned his face left my blood cold as ice and face paled like a corpse. For a minute, I couldn't comprehend between the devil and the man that was staring back at me.

Could this really be happening?

The lad wasted no time in grabbing me by the hair and dragging me towards him despite all of my protests. Kicking and squirming did little in my case but that did nothing to stop me from putting up a fight against the giant that was ready to go savage on me at any moment.

Maybe it was in the way I looked.

I got all the air knocked out of my lungs as the man-beast disposed me off on the couch and resignated his whole body on top of mine like the sadist he was. The sloppy kisses he trailed along my jawline and lower left me disgusted to the core as a lone tear escaped my eye and made its way down my cheek and to my chin.

This all seemed to excite him more as he ran his tongue along the trail left behind by my tears and a greedy smile resignated on his ugly face. All was going calmer than expected until a sob escaped my mouth and snapped him out of his daze.

Within the span of a moment, his facial expression changed from calm to crazy and he turned into the monster he really was. His hands wrapped around my throat as he landed blows to any part of me he could access. Instinctively, my hands tried blocking the blows but it did nothing to reduce the impacts of the hits that landed on me.

Blood coated my lips as I cried out to him to stop but it all entered from one ear and left from the other. Was this really my father? I could feel the pressure building at my neck as he found a new spot of focus to give him the desired response from me. My bruised arms tried to pry his hands off my throat but the effort seemed useless as he was ten times stronger than me.

Finally accepting defeat, my weakened limbs slumped to my sides and eyes sat solely trained on the psycho strangling the life out of me. Black spots had already started to appear along my line of vision but not even that could make me divert my attention. Green orbs searched blue orbs for any regret or remorse but nothing seemed to suffice. It's like he felt nothing at all.

The numbness suddenly invaded me as silent tears once again streamed down my face. All that could be heard were the pants coming from my abuser and the silent whimpers that surprisingly came from my mouth. I could feel the fear slip away as my body stopped jerking around due to the numbness and everything around me became a blur. My heavy breathing that was previously very clear to my ears started wavering and everything started going black.

I looked back only to find my abuser's empty eyes staring back at me with a blank expression masking his face like a complete nutjob. His eyes were empty and void of emotion as he stared back into my soul, putting a halt to his lashing. We stared at each other, sharing the same expression and withholding emotion that mirrored each other.

I could feel nothing.



I wished things wouldn't have ended up this way

Shout out to my editor CoffeeAddiction

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