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Peeling my heavy lids open and all I was met with was the harsh glare of the sun tormenting my already exhausted body with the heat. I could feel the beads of sweat on my face, making it all sticky and uncomfortable. My eyes treaded around the little room I had been placed in and nothing seemed to have changed apart from the tumbler that stood proudly on the table across from me.

Guess it wasn't all a nightmare.

"You're finally awake mia principesa."


"I've been waiting for you to come around since you passed out in my arms after our little chitchat earlier."

So it's this guy again.

"Why am I here?"

His gaze traveled from the wall he had been staring at like a sadistic creep to my anxious and scared self on the raggedy chair I was sitted on.

"Why do you think you're here."


"Does my father owe you any money?"

A pregnant silence followed as his eyes darted to the wall he had been staring at which made me quite uncomfortable and uneasy.

"As a matter of fact, yes but that's not why you're here." His answer caught me off guard as I didn't really expect him to answer my question at all but that wasn't the issue. The issue was the uneasiness that he had spiked in me that kept my heart in a frenzy as horrifying thoughts adorned my mind.

" Don't worry your pretty little mind about my intentions babygirl. I won't kill you."


".. at least not yet."


Worry flooded me like a river as I frantically looked around the room I was involuntarily caged in. My heart pounded heavily against my chest, head throbbing even more due to the panicked state I was in.

I desperately wished that I was back home, taking all my father's abuses because honestly, it was better than being tied up in a crap hole. My eyes kept darting from corner to corner, trying to find anything that could get me out of the situation but came up empty. I prayed and wished that an angel would be sent down from heaven and help me out of the dilemma but who was I kidding?That would never happen.

I wouldn't even make it that far with the little knowledge I had about this place.

"Don't even try it darling, no one can help you here." As those words left his mouth, he rose from his position and strode past me and headed for the door, leaving me to my thoughts.


Every second seemed to get me agitated as I sat there, worried out of my wits and very tired. The ropes that were binding my limbs reddened my skin, making it seem like I had rabies. Every muscle of my body ached worse than the other making it unbearable to move.

I counted every second that went by, hoping someone would come by or even have enough curiosity to lead them to me but all I got was the irritating noise of water droplets hitting the concrete floor.

Just as I was buried deep in thought , the door was slammed open. A young petite girl came in, slowly making her way to me with a tray with food and water while her eyes were trained on me with hesitation pouring out of her orbs.

She hesitantly came to my side and unbound the ropes, giving me the relief I craved during the past few hours. Her blonde hair swayed from side to side with her movements, dimples showing as she bit her lips daring to emphasize her innocent beauty. Her ocean eyes darted to every corner as if trying to find something much more interesting to look at or rather trying to avoid my gaze but I had already captured the dullness that they bore.

Being released from my binds gave me the freedom I desperately craved and enough courage to reach towards the girl and grab her before I pushed her with all my force which made her land to a corner with a loud groan.

My eyes darted to the open door and I dashed out of there with my safety in mind . My feet met with the cold floor softly, avoiding any noise which would alert anyone roaming around or any guards. Swiftly making my way through corridors and hiding behind corners every once in a while I made sure to cover my tracks to ensure that any person following me would find a hard time in stopping my escape.

Thanking the gods for my luck, I headed for the stairs which theoretically should have led me to the main entrance but surprised is an understatement to the marvelous office I landed in.

The decor simply took my breath away as I took it all in with a spin. The large oak table situated at the centre of the room was neatly arranged with every bit of stationery in place. The very swivel chair covered in what looked like pure leather gave the room a rich taste as it was in place, awaiting its owner.

As I walked around the room, I was met with a library of books neatly arranged in rows on shelves. The room looked sparkling clean without any speck of dust in sight. The marvelous view through the large glass opening which brought life to the room was only but the icing on the cake. Rays of the setting sun filled the office, giving it a wonderful hue to add to the beauty of the dark themed decor.

As I marveled at the beauty surrounding me, I unintentionally forgot myself but was immediately brought back to reality by a deep chuckle. Fear started to seep in as my heart stopped beating for a second. Cold beads of sweat started to form on my forehead and a chill ran down my spine. Nervousness didn't fail to add to my scared state as footsteps echoed loudly in my ears, alerting me that he was making his way to me.

I could now feel him tower over me as all the hairs on my neck stood on end. His breath fanned my neck which made me shiver and I knew he could hear my raging heartbeat. Everything seemed to go straight downhill as all my nerves went into a frenzy making me wish I had stayed captive in the room.

"I have been expecting you, Mia bella."

Oh Lord, please save me.

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