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Elijah's pov


   There goes another traitor.

      His eyes remained wide open as the bullet between them caused a large gap in the middle of his head. Blood oozed out of the hole, splattering around my hands and his crisp white shirt. If she had been here, I'm sure she would be throwing up non stop at the sight.

           Oh how I missed her.

            Her scent.

           Her cute little face.

           Her perfect little body.


    After getting the information on her current location, it took a lot not to head there and get her back into my arms even with all her protests and get her back between my sheets.

         Only Christ knows how much I missed that little voice.

   Taking one last look at the motionless body next to my feet, I couldn't help it put two more bullets in those wide eyes that stared straight at me, no light or life in them anymore.

I had been on a killing spree for the past one week and it's was all too thrilling. After my  recovery, I started hunting down the motherfuckers that betrayed me for Damien.

            That son of a bitch.

     He had gathered quite an army of my men and fled to another country to build his own mafia. It angered me to know that he had stabbed me in the back but it was nothing I couldn't take care of. What blew my anger off the chatter was the fact that he would be marrying my woman soon enough to say tomorrow.

      I took another swig of my booze, lighting up my cigarette in thought. Ever since she shot me and fled, I kept tracking her every move. It was quite stupid of her to think that she could escape my clutch but I would still give her credit for her bravery. It wasn't everyday that people like her shot me.

       My thoughts wandered to her beautiful body, her scent still lingering in my nostrils. It had been a while since I had a woman to please me and all that because I had sworn celibacy until I found her. News had gotten to me that she was bearing my heir and that gave me all the more reason to keep soughting her till the end.

      She would be mine no matter what.

       Raphael, my new second in hand brought in the plans and schemes for our ambush as we had planned, detailing everything from the entrance to the exit. Although she had stabbed me in the back, I couldn't let her find happiness if it was not with me. I was quite sure that Damien hadn't told her that I was alive, adhering to my conditions for his life.


       He couldn't even be a man and tell her the honest truth but as long as it benefited me, I didn't give a damn at all. As I looked over what was detailed, my memory flickered over to the spy I had sent. Although they had all thought that I had sent her to murder Rose, it was all for show. Her appearance only confirmed my bella's existence and her plans with Damien, all leading to the marriage they were trying oh so desperately to hide but nonetheless, I was a man who couldn't be outsmarted.

Elijah and I are baack😏and I came back with some juice. A vote and comment will be appreciated as this was an effort that I think should be recognized. Tell me what you think guys. Happy reading 💋.

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