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This is for AntoinetteClark6 and @AnittaZekaj . Thank you so much for the encouragement you have given me.


Some scars could disappear, but this one wouldn't.

   The images kept appearing in my head, taunting me and torturing me. I wondered how killers could just kill and forget everything like it was a simple walk in the park. I couldn't even close my eyes and not see all that had happened in a flash in my mind.

                I was scared for life.

              It was unforgettable.

                    The faces.

             The fucking screams.

                    Their tears.

                I couldn't take it!

     I slowly walked towards the kitchen island, a liquor bottle in hand. My husband was no where to be seen and all the staff had gone to their quarters for some shut eye.

      I had promised myself since childhood that I wouldn't touch an ounce of alcohol after witnessing my father's self-demise but at the moment, I couldn't help it.

I needed to get them out of my head.

   A swig and I was already despising the drink but I couldn't stop. I swallowed down the bitter liquid, ignoring the burning it left in my throat. I knew that if Elijah were to find me drunk, I wouldn't hear the end of it but I was willing to take that risk.

    At least it would help me forget.

     Downing another mouthful, I sat on the floor, breathing heavily. The darkness around the kitchen made it hard to see the whole setting but I had the whole structure etched in my mind.

    Suddenly, as I was racking my brain, it crossed me that I was in a forced marriage. The rage that overcame me was strong enough to drive me to the edge. I clumsily tried to stand, falling on my butt at some tries but managing it at last. Once on my feet, I mustered up enough courage to scream out Elijah's name.

     My voice echoed around the whole house, waking up any living thing in the mansion. Seeing as I got no response, I screamed again and again until the lights were switched on.

                      That's it.

    Elijah came in, his eyebrows furrowed and anger rolling off him in waves. I watched him with squinted eyes due to the light as he made his way towards my drunken self. Silence coated the air as we stared at each other intensely, anger roaring deep within the both of us.

"Why are you screaming my name for no relevant purposes?"

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, whatever.

   That was all I could register as I took in his handsome features, admiring the piece of art he was. The anger that had resided deep in me was long forgotten as lust started to overcome my senses. My thoughts were by then directed into other naughty things as every word he said went in one ear and passed through the other.

         What a hunk he was!

Why didn't I realize this fine piece of meat earlier?

     Before I could stop myself, my hands made thier way towards his arm, aching to feel his large, hard muscles under my skin.

I wonder what else could be large.

    The giggles that left my mouth made his eyebrows furrow as he seemed confused at my state. It was then that he caught sight of the whiskey bottle on the floor and his eyes slightly widened in realization.

"So you're a horny drunk,that works for me too."

    I guess it was wrong for me to feel turned on by his statement but I couldn't help it. He bent down and picked me up bridal style, leading me to what seemed to be our room. As we walked, my giggles were spewing out of me uncontrollably, accompanied by slight hiccups.

Not even minutes later, I was onto the bed, naked and writhing in pleasure. Drunk or not, he didn't hold back on me, doing what was bound to happen sooner or later.

Soo....... I'm currently at 10k reads and I'm so happy. Just hope we can reach to 11k soon with this new chapter and new reads. I've written this chapter with hope that you as readers will enjoy it and please don't be afraid to comment on any mistakes or if you want any clarification. Don't forget to vote, comment or even share the story with friends or followers. Happy reading 💋

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