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                      They'll show you,
          They'll know you won't tell what I said                           
               Cause two can't keep a secret
               If one of them is dead

     Months and it kept replaying in my head. Ever since the Damien incident, my life had taken yet another turn confining me to depression and on the brink of suicide. Elijah had decided to keep his psychological issues in check for the time being, fearing any danger to my child but that didn't mean that my torture stopped. Day in day out he would come and do with me as he pleased, taking out all his frustrations on my frail body.

    To say I was fed up was an understatement but hell, I couldn't even get out of the room without having the feeling of being constantly watched lurk around me. But that was only for the first few days.

        The only time I was allowed some freedom inside the mansion.

      Much to my dismay, I couldn't leave the room or the bed after those few blessed days, constantly being chained up for security purposes. Guards stood out of my door always in watch and some even came in to appease their manly desires on me, not that Elijah cared enough to know.

     Time and time again my thoughts wandered to a life better than this, opting to take my life but one thought of my child and I was ready to bear it all. My belly had grown and my husband made sure I was well fed or rather, the baby was well-fed. It came as quite a surprise when Elijah cared less about me but I guess that what they all do.

       I was currently lying on the bed, a hollow melody playing and my husband deep in my core. I had tried to let him know that it wasn't safe to have a go at it while I was pregnant for the baby's sake but it all fell on deaf ears. His grunts and moans were loud in my ears, drowning out the song that was playing. My eyes stared up at the wall, tired and disgusted with the handsomeness he was blessed it. Cynical or not, the man was a true god.

                  A few more minutes.

     A few more minutes and he would set of his load and leave, just like every other day. It never mattered to him whether it bruised me or hurt me for all he cared about was himself.

                      Selfish bastard.

      I was brought out of my thoughts by his whisper, catching it while it still lingered in the air. Meet me downstairs he said and I followed suit. Changing my clothes wasn't a matter of importance because everyone payed their respects whether I was presentable or not.

    Confusion was an understatement when I found a whole hospital crew in the lobby, a hospital bed in the middle and hospital equipment set up. Elijah held my hand, ushering me forward to meet with his surprise.

     I was carefully laid onto the bed my brows still furrowed and fear gripping me.

      "Lilliana mi amore, you know that your 7 months of pregnancy have already passed by and it is safe to give birth at this time."



    What was he saying?

     Was he mad?

   He knew it would kill me and might kill my unborn child or if I even had the luck to survive, I'd probably be barren.

         What do I do now?

       I can't let anything happen to this baby.

          How could he be so heartless?

Tears welled up in my eyes, stinging as much as his words stung. I could feel my heartbeat pick up and so many thoughts flooded my mind. Finding a way to escape the fiasco was the main objective at the moment but even then, my mind couldn't come up with anything.

           I still couldn't believe it.

     "How could you be this cynical you psycho! This is your child for goodness sake!"

  My motherly instinct overpowered the sense of submission to Elijah, making me forget all the boundaries and rules I was crossing and not giving a damn about it.

    "Exactly. That's why I want it out. I can't be sure that you won't try to get rid of it like you tried to get rid of me."

        What the actual fuck was this piece of shit saying?

      "Why would I want to do that to my own baby?"

   Taking slow steps towards me, he clicked his tongue and as soon as he was close enough, he back handed me with one powerful strike of his hand, making me fall hard on the ground. Luckily, this caused no harm to my unborn baby who was soon to be taken away from me.

     "Not. Another. Word."

   Three words. Three words was all it took to make me shiver as a cold sweat dripped it's way down my spine. But even then,I would not give up on my child.

        He was all I had to live for.

Just before I could start sprinting out of the room, I felt two strong pairs of hands keep me in place and shrivel up my idea of escape. Kicking and screaming got me no where as they swiftly carried me up like I weighed totally nothing, of which I did. I was quickly chained to the portable hospital bed set up in the room to keep me from making unnecessary movements and disrupting the procedure. Although I did not give up on screaming and kicking in all directions, it did me no good as I was sedated on the spot with no way to defend my baby.

        Someone please help me.


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