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                     For Ash29090


       Weeks past the death of my beloved Rose and I was still devastated. No amount of whiskey, coke or sex could take away the pain   I tried so hard to fight every single day of my life. Maybe this was how it was supposed to end. I was never bound to love for everything I touched, I destroyed. Anything I landed my eyes on, literally shriveled into nothing right before my eyes, just like my poor Rose.

            My Rose.

    I had honestly tried my best to love her but to her, my love was the most wicked thing on this planet. To her, she would have rather died than spent all eternity with me. That thought only fueled my anger more and turned me into a more heartless creature, not that I wasn't already.

  My son on the other hand moved along with life, not knowing of the death of his mother, not even having a memory of her tp hold onto.

                    Hell but in a better way.

       "Sir, an appointment has been made for the company." The young girl stood fragile in my presence, completely oblivious of what was going through my head. I had decided to put up a company for my son which had been growing really fast due to my status. It was all that would try to get him out of the mess he was born in. Hopefully, he would embrace it instead of the darkness within.

     To say the whole Rose incident had taken a toll on me was an understatement. It was like it drained a hell lot of me. The images were stuck to my mind and the memories kept haunting me but what could I do about it? I had killed her. I had pushed her too far and if only I had given her a chance to live the way she wanted,she would still be smiling down on me. Maybe even sucking my dick in the process. Sadistic as I was, I only hoped that she would love me someday. Even in another life but after all I had done, my chances were slim.


       I missed her scented hair, her small curves that always seemed to entice me and her lips, those lips drove me crazy. The way she would cuss at me only made me want her more but allas, she never thought the same about me. What a shame. I couldve given her the world if not the whole galaxy. She wouldve been a queen amongst all queens. Everyone would respect and fear her on all grounds. She could've been like me. Fucking Incredible.

            "Sir!" That stupid little voice.

      "What do you want little brat!!" I wish I could just blow her brains out or maybe just cut her vocal cords off along with her tongue. Unfortunately, my young heir liked her and so I had to be patient and lenient with her dumb ass.

       "The meeting sir" The words held fear as they slipped out of her tongue and faltering to my ears. What waste of space. I didnt need weak people managing my time and so    I did what is always expected of me. Blew her brains right off her pretty little head. What pleasure it gave me to take matters into my dirty hands. It was a thrill I would never get rid off. I just wish my Rose would be side by side with me to witness it.

     With that little stunt, I straightened my suit and walked to the grand hall with great confidence and power just rolling of me in waves. If only my precious Rose was here to relinquish that power with me.

                           If only.

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