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     I couldn't manage any words out of my mouth for I was too baffled. The very thought of what I did made me want to curl into a ball and die but with the new found brother, I couldn't explain what fear I felt.

          What If he knew what I did?

         "I know that you killed Elijah."

    And there it was, my actual demise. The thought of running crossed my mind but due to experience, I knew that the Kings were not to be messed with. My time with Elijah had only confirmed that running was not an option.

   Suddenly, with new found confidence, I walked up to him and gave him a piece of my witty mind.

    "First of all, the bastard kidnaps me and forces me to marry him, abuses me both mentally and physically, forces me to murder people just so that I can be the heartless wife he wants, then when I finally get some guts to stand up for myself, he ruins me. What the hell is wrong with your family? I wish I never met any of you. All of you are sick people, I don't even think you should be in existence at all. Maybe both of you were just mistakes to your parents. I just wish I never met any of you pieces of scum. Now look at me, I'm pregnant with a demon's child, unable to run away from my past and destroyed to shreds. I can't even see who I was in me anymore. "

       I took in deep breaths after the words left my lips. He stood there, quite astonished at what I had said as he thought through it. I slumped onto the chair in the corner, not even believing that I had said all that.

      I guess all of it was too much for me to bear.

    It was the deep laughter bouncing through the walls that got my attention in the midst of my thoughts. He was laughing hard, his eyes teary and his hands holding his stomach. The deep rumble startled me at first but ended up sparking annoyance. I couldn't believe he was laughing at what I just said.

      "Babygirl, you have seen nothing yet."

   I frowned at his words and the first thing that came to mind is to ruin his nuts. I went forward, steps calculated and moves carefully thought through then landed a hard kick onto his nuts. I felt my heart swell in triumph as a smile made its way to my face but all that soon disappeared with his passive reaction. He stood there, clearly unfazed with what I had done.

   "Darling, my dick is so damn big so you missed it."

             What the-

            Corky bastard.

     "Now onto more serious business, I want us to make a deal."

    Once again, his words threw me off. My eyebrows furrowed at his suggestion, not really getting the idea of it. He took a few steps closer, managing to cover the two meter distance that we shared. Just as he was invading my personal space, his lips latched onto my neck, peppering small kisses down my neck. I was too baffled to move a muscle as he painted my neck with his lips, not sparing an inch.

    "Marry me and I assure you freedom and security for you and your child."

   Just one whisper amd he was gone. He left me standing in shock, his words replaying in my head like a symphony.

Tell me what you think about it. Will she say yes to him🤔? Someone requested for Elijah's pov and I assure you it will come soon😑. I lost at the Elite awards😢, though I know it doesn't concern you guys that much but I just wanted to share it with someone. I have doubts about this book because it's not really been doing well. I sometimes feel like what I write is not enough but we all know that that's the reader's decision. I have honestly tried to perfect my book and it breaks me every time I don't have the inspiration to write😭. I hope I can do better someday. This just ain't my finest hour🤧. Happy reading 😞.

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