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    I woke up with a jolt, feeling every part of my body ache like never before. The mere movement of my chest while breathing made me feel like a whole building had tumbled down on my chest and totally dismembered my ribcage from my system.

      My flimsy dress was tattered and battered beyond repair due to the lashes but not even that could top the list of my worries. All I could think of was the round two I would get if breakfast wasn't on the table by the time my father got down from his room. I prayed hard to the gods that my father would still be asleep so that I would have time to make breakfast but apparently, they were all on leave.

      Just as I was lifting my deadbeat body from the floor, I heard heavy footsteps echo from the rickety stairs and resonate in my ears like sirens going off in my head. Right there were the red flags for me to get up and leave as fast as I could but my limbs stood frozen in place, unable to move an inch let alone a step.


      That was all I needed to hear to snap out of my trance and swiftly make my way to the kitchen to whip something up. Battered and barely standing, I managed to get some tea piping and eggs frying just as he got to my station. I could feel his slimy hands make their way around my waist and pull me closer as I turned the eggs.

             "You smell so good my love."

      His disgusting breath hit my nose and I couldn't help it cringe inwardly as he raked his nose around my neck as if trying to be seductive. His fingers soon made their way to my scalp and gripped my hair, making my head fall backwards and allow the bastard to get his heavily burned lips latched onto my neck.

       I could say his lips were burned due to the excessive tequila he threw down his throat occasionally but nothing could hide the fact that it was all from the illegal drugs he got himself high on. Just as he was on his mission of assault, a certain burning smell caught my attention but unfortunately, walked past his sense of smell.

      My breath hitched in my throat and my heart completely stopped beating at the realization of what had occurred and what was yet to come. My eyes suddenly traveled to his face only to bet met with the same psychotic gaze that made my insides churn. He slowly turned me around with his smirk already in place and moves carefully calculated.

      Right before  I could prepare myself for the incoming attack, it came hard and strong enough to set me off balance and leave me sprawled on the floor once again with dark spots filling my vision. Not even feeling an ounce of regret or pity, he spat on my face before leaving me to fend for myself on the cold hard floor that welcomed me right into it's arms.


    I slowly stepped into the bathroom next to my room and took a short bath, random thoughts torturing my mind. It took me quite a while to get ready because of the scars that littered my body like a plague but nothing could beat the pain that accompanied the marks and scars.

     Picking up my slightly torn bag and slipping on some flats on, I made my way towards the back door and made my way towards the café.

      The café was a small place I could actually call home and worked at to earn a living for my father and I. It had been the only place that offered me a job when I was struggling to pay off father's debts and in turn, I have kept my loyalty to the old man that opened his doors to me.

    My nose picked up the faint smell of dew and wet soil as I walked along the little path that led me to work. Many thoughts stormed my little mind as I silently kicked the small pebbles that stood unbothered in my way. I tuned out the barks of large emaciated dogs that were restless on the neighbor’s porch and the angry, screaming women who had nothing better to do than to yell at their unfaithful husbands.

    The shrill cries of  young children that littered the streets kept ringing loud and clear in my ears and as much as I tried to drown them out, they just got louder. It was at this time that a tiny drop fell at the bridge of my nose, alerting me that the rains had started and that I needed to hurry before I got late for work.

       Finally being able to make it to the cafe, I slipped my wet jacket onto the rack and quickly got into place with the waitresses. With my notepad in hand and a bright smile plastered on my face, I slipped into the crowd and pretended like my life was perfect.


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