Chapter 1

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Night Club, Washington DC

Friday 20th November 1959

“Bobby I really don’t know why I invited you. You’re no fun, I should have brought Ted.” Jack sighed as he ordered two beers.

“Well why didn’t you?”

“Because you were in my office what was I meant to do.”

Bobby sighed.

Jack ruffled his hair. He looked across at the dancefloor. His eyes landed on the most gorgeous woman ever. His eyes widened. “Bobby.” Jack nudged him.



Bobby looked up at the dancefloor. “What am I meant to be looking at?”

“The girl in the blue dress and brown hair.”

Bobby shrugged. “And?”

“She’s hot.” Jack breathed. His hands were now sweating. Bobby watched his brother; a woman had certainly never made him nervous before. “Should I go talk to her?”

“If you want.” Bobby replied. “Just don’t dance or she’ll run away, you know you can’t dance.”

Jack nodded. He got up and fixed his hair in the reflection from his glass. He took a deep breath and wondered on to the dancefloor. The house band was covering an Elvis classic.

He ran a comb through his hair and turned to her. She was with her sister Jack thought. “Hi,” He smiled.

The girl looked up at him. Her eyes were deep brown. “Hi.” She blushed. “I’m Jackie.” She said shaking his hand.

“I’m Jack; it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said flashing her, his traditional Kennedy smile.

She blushed and giggled. “This is my sister Lee.”

Lee looked bored. “Can we go yet Jackie?”

“You can, I’m going to stay a while.” Jackie smiled.

“I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Jack added. Jackie turned and blushed at him. She was falling for him. Lee rolled her eyes and left.

“So Jackie, can I buy you a drink?”

She smiled. “I’d like that Jack.”

He took her arm and guided her to the bar. “Bobby, I’d like you to meet Jackie, Jackie this is my brother Bobby.”

“Hi.” Bobby said. “I’m going Jack, I need to see Ethel.”

“Okay.” He turned to Jackie. “What would you like to drink?” He was calm and seemed really nice, Jackie thought. Her hands were sweating with nerves. “I’ll have a vodka and coke please.”

Jack grinned and ordered. He got himself another beer. They sat in the corner talking. He was drawn in by her breathy voice. “Your brother seemed stressed.” She whispered sipping her drink.

“Oh yeah he’s always like that.”

She laughed and reached across the table to take his hand. “I love this song, can we dance?”

He blushed. “Sure but I’m not a very good dancer.”

“It’s okay I’m not either.”

He took her hand and they went to the dancefloor. They danced, Jackie couldn’t stop smiling. “Jackie?” Jack asked.


“Do you want to go a walk?”

“I’d like that, just let me go to the bathroom.” Jackie replied.

He nodded and pulled his jacket on. She was so different from other woman; she actually took an interest in him.

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