Chapter 10

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Saturday 2nd January

Hammersmith Farm, Newport RI

“I don’t know why on earth we are watching this.” Janet huffed, looking at her eldest daughter who was sitting engrossed on the TV.

“I’m a reporter I have to show an interest, even if he’s a democrat.” Jackie replied watching Jack on the TV; he was announcing his candidacy today.

Jackie’s heart melted as he talked passionately during his speech.

“In the past 40 months, I have toured every state in the Union and I have talked to Democrats in all walks of life. My candidacy is therefore based on the conviction that I can win both the nomination and the election.”Jack said as he looked around the senate room.

Jackie burst with pride inside but she couldn’t show it. “That father of his has convinced him he can win!” Janet laughed.

Hugh grinned. “Yeah, he doesn’t stand a chance of even winning the nomination.”

Jackie got up. “Well I think he will be a successful candidate.” It was out of her before she realised what she’d said.

“Jacqueline! Don’t you dare tell me you won’t vote republican?”

“I’ll vote for who I want but it certainly won’t be that grubby haired Nixon!” She yelled. She stormed out and went to the kitchen.

Lee followed her. “Jackie?”


“John Kennedy is the man at the club that night.” She said. “You went home with him.”

Jackie turned round. She glared at her. “Lee….”

“Are you still seeing him?”

Jackie grabbed Lee’s arm and dragged her sister outside. “Yes, but you can’t tell anyone. His parents hate the relationship and so will Mum so just don’t tell anyone.”

“Is it serious?” Lee whispered.

Jackie held up a key. “I have a key to his house; does that answer your question?” She asked.

Lee nodded and went back inside. Jackie sighed, now another person knew. Just why did people have to be so annoying?

Senator Kennedy’s Office

After announcing his candidacy he went to his office. He closed the door and dialled Jackie’s number. “Hey Kid.”

“Hey Jack.”

“Did you see my speech?” He asked loosening his tie.

“I did and you did very well, you actually convinced me you would be a great president but that could be because you’re a good kisser.”

He laughed. “Either way it’s support.”

“Jack….” She hesitated. “Lee knows about us.”

“Well does it matter?”


“When do you come back to DC?” He asked taking his medication.

“Tonight I can’t take much more of my mother and her politics. I’m entitled to my opinion.” She said.

“Want to stop by my house and test out your key?” He teased.

“Yeah, I’ll see you later.”

“Love you.” Jack whispered. “If I have your vote or not.”

She giggled. “Love you too Jack.”

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