Chapter 28

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Jack and Jackie were sitting on the sofa with champagne in their hands. “We have to tell your family Jack.” Jackie said.

“I know…. But I’m scared.”

“We should do it first thing tomorrow and then we could go and visit my parents in Newport?”

He nodded. “That sounds fine.”

She snuggled against him. “When do you want to get married?”

“Well I don’t know…. It depends how long you want to spend appearing at functions as the President’s Fiancée.”

She giggled. “Okay.”

Saturday 17th December 1960


Jack stood with his hand in Jackie’s on the porch of his parent’s home. He was nervous. He knocked on the door and was relieved when Pat answered. Her eyes widened when she saw Jackie.

“Can you call a family meeting please?” Jack asked.

She nodded and hurried off.

After everyone had gathered in the living room, Jack walked in. He was closely followed by Jackie who was shaking a little. Joe’s eyes immediately went bold. Jack swallowed. “Mum, Dad I’d like you to meet Jacqueline Bouvier.”

Jackie smiled weakly. “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, you can call me Jackie.”

Jack took a deep breath and continued. “Jackie is my fiancée.” He said avoiding his Dad and Bobby’s gaze.

“She’s your what?!” Joe yelled standing up. “I told you no girlfriends! Are you to stupid you can’t even understand that?!”

Jackie shuddered feeling his wrath on Jack. “Jack, are you insane? You can’t have a fiancée.” Bobby snapped.

“Why not?!” Jack replied angrily.

“Because no one knows who the hell she is!” Joe yelled. “The press won’t like it, the people won’t like it and I don’t like it!”

“I’m not giving her up, not for you not for anyone!” He hissed.

Bobby suddenly realised she was the woman from the club which he’d met briefly nearly a year ago. It suddenly made sense; they’d been together since then. He suddenly snapped back to the realisation of his Father’s voice.

“Jack you are the President of the United States! I will not let you ruin your life by having her in it!” Joe snapped.

Jack lost his temper. “I’d rather have Jackie than be President any day! She’s the one who made me stick in the race to win! I wanted to quit but she stopped me. I’m marrying her; there is nothing you can do about it!”

Joe’s face dropped as he stared at his son. Jack held Jackie’s hand protectively. The room was eerily quiet until Rose get up. She walked towards Jackie. Pat, Eunice and Ted were smirking, it wasn’t often Jack blew his top but they knew how much he loved her. “Jacqueline.” Rose said holding out her hand. “Welcome to the family.”

Jackie smiled softly. “Thank you Mrs. Kennedy.”

“Rosie…” Joe warned.

“No Joe, you should be happy for your son. Not everything is about money and power.”

Jack smiled. “Thanks Mum.”

Jackie took Jack’s arm. He led her to the dining room. “I’m sorry.” He said.

“It’s okay Bunny…. Did you really mean what you said about giving up the presidency for me?”

He nodded and pulled her in by the waist. “I want you in my life, I don’t give a damn what others think.”

She blushed and hugged him.

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