Chapter 30

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Friday 6th January 1960

Palm Beach, Florida


Pierre Salinger appeared in front of the podium of his boss’s house with probably one of the most important announcements he was ever going to make. “Good Morning everyone.” He said shifting the microphone.

He was nervous. “I have a statement from the President-elect which he wants you to hear.” Pierre said. “The President-elect wishes to announce his engagement to the editor of the Washington Herald Jacqueline Bouvier. He requests that their relationship is kept strictly private and that he is very happy to have her by his side as he embarks on his new life in the White House.”

The announcement sent shock waves through the country but Jack didn’t mind. He spent the day sailing with Jackie. When they arrived back at the beach he wrapped his arm around her. She blushed and kissed his cheek.

A few reporters were desperate to get pictures but that was the best they got.


Jack was soaking in the bath while talking on the phone to Kenny in Washington when Jackie came in. “Yes Kenny I know, I was thinking that too. Did you speak to Rusk? I think we should go with him.”

Jackie cleared her throat.

Jack abruptly looked up. She was wearing only his shirt. He whimpered. “Uh… Kenny…”

“Yes, Sir?”

“I’m going to have to phone you back…” He sounded preoccupied now.


Jack didn’t answer he put the phone down and took her hands. “You look hot.” He smirked, caressing her hand with his thumb.

She giggled and pulled him out of the bath. His arms immediately wrapped around her while his lips crashed against hers. She gasped and stroked his back. As they fell on to the bed, they were a moaning mess. They spent most of the night tangled in the bed sheets.

“Night Bunny.” Jackie whispered stroking his hair.

“Night Kid.” He replied “Sleep well.”

She fell asleep against him. He held her; he couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have her.

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