Chapter 29

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Saturday 31st December 1960

Hammersmith Farm, RI

As the Presidential motorcade headed towards Hammersmith Farm Jack squeezed Jackie’s hand. “I’m scared.”

Jackie giggled. “Why?”

“They might not like me.”

“They already don’t. They’re Republicans remember.” She teased.

“Jackie!” He smiled. “This isn’t helping, what if they really don’t like us being together?”

She laughed. “I think they won’t have a choice and well as soon as we drive up she’ll know who I’m dating. After all we are in the US President’s limousine.”

He sighed. He hoped this went well, as over Christmas Jackie and his father had talked and he finally said he was okay with the marriage but he made Jackie prove herself.

“It’s nice up here.” Jack said looking at the views.

“Yes Bunny.”

When the car came to a stop at the front door Jack got out first and opened Jackie’s door for her. “Thank you.” She blushed. Jack grinned and took her hand. Both of them looked up at the door to find a shocked Mr. and Mrs. Auchincloss standing. “Mummy.” Jackie hugged her. “Uncle Hughdie.” She smiled. “I’d like you to meet my fiancé Jack.”

He smiled and shook their hands. “Mr. and Mrs. Auchincloss, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you I’ve heard a lot from Jacqueline.”

Jackie could tell he was nervous and she struggled not to laugh. “M-Mr. President-elect.” Janet stumbled. “Do come in.”

Jackie guided Jack in and showed him to the living room. She sat close to him as her parents stared wide eyed at their future son in law. “Jacqueline… you never even told us you were seeing anyone…. Let alone him… and now you’re engaged….”

Jackie smiled proudly. “Yes and I’m very happy with him.”

Jack grinned and rubbed her back. After an hour Jack had to go take a phone call with Bobby regarding cabinet positions leaving Jackie and her mother alone. “You really love him?”

“Yes Mum!” Jackie exclaimed. “And he loves me.”

“Do you have proof?”

“Yes.” Jackie snapped. “During the campaign he would sneak out during the night, take three hour train journeys to see me, sneak back so no one noticed that he was gone and most importantly, he threatened to give up the presidency if he couldn’t marry me.”

“Oh…” Janet looked shocked. “Well as long as you’re happy.”

At that point Jack came back into the room. He kissed Jackie’s head and sat down. “Sorry about that it was my brother.”

Janet nodded. “It’s nice of you to come and stay for New Year Jack, I hope you enjoy yourself.”

He smiled. “Thank you, I’m looking forward to it.”

Once Jack and Jackie were in their room, Jackie kissed him tenderly. “I can’t believe my parents like you.”

“Really?” He smirked.

“You’re my first boyfriend they have ever liked.”

He laughed. “Good to know.”

She blushed and hugged him. “Thank you for coming here with me.”

“No problem Kid.”

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