Chapter 4

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Later that day Jack arrived in Hyannis Port. Bobby met him. “How did things go last night with that girl?”

“What Jackie?”

“Yeah.” Bobby replied.

“We had a great night; I’m going to see her again. She’s so different from other women.”

Bobby stopped and looked at him. “You mean it could be serious?”

He nodded. “Yes, I really like her.”

“Jack, you do know you’re running for President next year? Dad is never going to let you have a girlfriend. Politics are too important.”

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “I like her Bobby, I don’t care.” He said before heading into his Parent’s House. Jack and Bobby waited outside their Father’s office till they were told to come in.

Jack sat down. “What’s this about Dad?”

“We need to plan for next year.” Joe replied.

The three men spent two hours discussing the campaign. As they were wrapping up Bobby spoke up. “We may have another problem.”

“And what may that be?” Joe asked looking at Bobby.

“Jack’s girlfriend.”

Joe turned towards him furiously. “A girlfriend now?!”

Jack nodded.

“Call it off and get your head thinking straight.”

Jack sighed. There was no point in fighting with his Father. “Fine.” Deep down he was annoyed, but he wouldn’t obey his Father or Bobby.

Tuesday 24th November 1959

Senator Kennedy’s Office

Jack was sitting stressing over the meeting at the weekend when Mrs. Lincoln knocked on the door. “Sir?”

“Yeah?” He asked looking up.

“You have a visitor.”

“What? I thought I didn’t have any more appointments today?”

“You don’t,” Mrs. Lincoln replied. “She says her name is Jackie.”

“Send her in.”

She nodded and left.

Jack fixed his hair and smoothed his suit before standing up. “Jackie.” He grinned closing the door. “This is a nice surprise.” He hugged her.

She blushed. “I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house for dinner tonight.”

“I’d love that.”

She smiled. “Good.”

Jack took her hands and kissed her deeply. “See you tonight.”

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